A court of a place where the paying bank is located
Alternative (Optional) Jurisdiction of a Court of
a Place Where the Paying Bank is Located
in Claims Relating to Cheques: Critical Analysis of a Binding Judgment of the Supreme Court [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 47-60]
A small piece
The Equality of the Detachment of a Small Piece of a Bone with Its Fracture in Islamic Penal Code [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 305-328]
A will preventing from inheritance
Conditions for a Homicide Preventing Inheritance and Its Comparative Studying in the Islamic Sects [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 117-148]
Abetting in providing fraudulent scientific works
The Fraud Offense in Ordering the Scientific Works [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 59-80]
Ability to endure punishment
Principles, Scope, and Juridical/Legal Effects of “the Welfare Right” of the Prisoners with “Hard-Treatment Illnesses” [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 29-66]
Population Growth through Criminal Interventions; A Look to the Approval Process and the Challenges of the Implementation of the Youthful Population and Protection of the Family Law [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 285-312]
Abstract forgery
The Analysis of the Offence (Crime) of the Abstract Forgery [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 207-234]
Abuse of predominant economic situation
Principles Governing Merchantable Competition Law Considering the Respective Bill [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 169-186]
Access to Criminal Justice
The Effect of Linguistic Diversity and the Right on Translation in the Realization of Fair Trial in International Criminal Proceedings [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 93-126]
Accessory punishments
Typology of Punishment of a Legal Person [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 101-128]
The Accused’s Right to
Benefit from the Assistance of Defending Attorney
in the Preliminary Investigations Stage [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2010, Pages 39-60]
Accused’s Defense Rights; The Concept and Different Dimensions of the Accused’s Last Defense [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 99-122]
The International Criminal Court on the Verge of Two Decades of Activity: Challenges and Achievements [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 83-110]
Actus reus
Determining the Concept and Position of the Natural and Probable Consequences of Acts-the Victim’s Death in the Penal Code of Iran with a Look to the Law of France [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 179-214]
Actus reus (the guilty act)
An Introduction to the Criminalization of the Financing of Terrorism, Nature and the Ways of the Commitment [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 247-274]
Additional Jurisdiction
Challenges Facing the Additional Jurisdiction of the Criminal Court One [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 305-338]
Administrative law
Judgement Removing and Decriminalization from the Point of View of the Constitution
and Administrative Law [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 105-122]
Adultery with incest (Zinā
Critical Evaluation of the Documents of the Death Sentence in Adultery with the Spouse of the Father (Paragraph (b) of Article 224 of
the Islamic Penal Code of 1392 (2013) [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 229-248]
A Sociological Study on the Evolutions of
the Death Penalty in Afghanistan [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 241-268]
Afghanistan criminal law
A comparative study of the evolution of criminal responsibility in the Kaffir Laws of Iran and Afghanistan (Emphasizing the bill and extensions of the age of criminal responsibility) [(Articles in Press)]
Aggravated circumstances
Aggravating Factors of Punishment in the Rulings of the International Criminal Court [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 169-198]
Aggravating circumstances
A Comparative Study of Aggravating Punishment Factors in Sexual Offences Against Juvenile and Adolescents in the Criminal Law of Iran, France and Canada [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 223-264]
The Complementarity Regime of the International Criminal Court and the Crime of Aggression [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 201-224]
Agreement contrary to competition
Principles Governing Merchantable Competition Law Considering the Respective Bill [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 169-186]
Ahmad Mahmoud
The Content Analysis of “The Neighbors” in the Area of the Juvenile Crime in the Light of the Criminological Findings [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 149-178]
Objectives and Effective Factors in Punishing the Perpetrators of Crimes against Cultural Heritage in the Light of the Al-Mahdi Case and the Procedure of the International Criminal Court [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 261-294]
Prevention of Recidivism through Artificial Intelligence; Requirements and Limitations [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 33-54]
Alternative imprisonment sentences
Criminal Background as a Manifestation of the “Dangerous State” and Its Application to Alternatives of Prison Sentences [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 3-28]
Alternative imprisonment sentences
Criminal Background as a Manifestation of the “Dangerous State” and Its Application to Alternatives of Prison Sentences [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 315-328]
Alternative to public prosecution
The Possibility of the Enforcement of Judicial Public Interest Agreement in Relation to Legal Entities in the Law of Iran with a look to the Law of France [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 29-58]
An Analysis on the Article 873 of Civil Law [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 97-104]
A Study on the Civil Nature of Blood Money [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 153-176]
The Approach of the International Criminal Court to the Amnesty of the International Crimes from the View of the Double Jeopardy Rule [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 105-134]
An action arising out of contracts
Alternative (Optional) Jurisdiction of a Court of
a Place Where the Paying Bank is Located
in Claims Relating to Cheques: Critical Analysis of a Binding Judgment of the Supreme Court [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 47-60]
An action relating to a cheque
Alternative (Optional) Jurisdiction of a Court of
a Place Where the Paying Bank is Located
in Claims Relating to Cheques: Critical Analysis of a Binding Judgment of the Supreme Court [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 47-60]
Annulment of the judicial decisions
Functions of Strategic Principles of the Criminal Procedure [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 125-154]
The Approach of the Conscience-Centerd about the Criminal Liability [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 55-80]
Apostasy (Irtidād)
The Crime of Apostasy (Irtidād) in the Islamic Traditions (Ahadith) [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 3-24]
Applicable law
A Review of Regulating Governmental Contracts in Commercial International Law [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 17-50]
Applied criminology
The Criminological Survey of Article 38 of the Islamic Penal Code of Iran (1392) [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 107-126]
Applied criminology
The Pathology of Teaching
and Research of Criminology in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 23-40]
Argumentum e contrario
The Martens clause in International Criminal Law; the Nature and Interpretive Functions [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 123-156]
Armed forces
Keywords: The employment and recruitment of child soldiers, Armed forces, The active involvement of children, Non-international armed conflicts. [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 313-350]
Article 13 of the civil procedure of public and revolutionary court
Alternative (Optional) Jurisdiction of a Court of
a Place Where the Paying Bank is Located
in Claims Relating to Cheques: Critical Analysis of a Binding Judgment of the Supreme Court [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 47-60]
Article1 91 of Islamic Penal Code
The Review of the Concept “Perception” the Subject Matter of Article 91 of the Islamic Penal Code; The Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Law and Cognitive Neuroscience [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 3-28]
Artificial intelligence
Prevention of Recidivism through Artificial Intelligence; Requirements and Limitations [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 33-54]
Artificial pregnancy
Jurisprudential Study of
Using an Alternative Womb [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006]
The Knowledge and Caution (Awareness) in Mens Rea Element for Murder in the Law of Iran and USA [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 3-32]
Jurisprudential Principles of Legitimacy of Mental Rights [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 61-96]
The Jurisprudential and Legal Study of the Jobar Maxim [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 327-346]
The Decriminalization of Vagrancy and Begging Crimes (Offenses) [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 127-146]
Behavioral economics
Behavioral Economics and the Issue of the Perception of Punishment: From Choice architecture to Critique of Behavioral paternalism [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 297-330]
Behavioral paternalism
Behavioral Economics and the Issue of the Perception of Punishment: From Choice architecture to Critique of Behavioral paternalism [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 297-330]
A Jurisprudential and Legal Analysis of the Evidence for the Rulings on Betting in Emerging Games Without Gambling Instruments [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 99-124]
Betting and gaming (Arabic: مُرَاهَنَة)
A Jurisprudential and Legal Analysis of the Evidence for the Rulings on Betting in Emerging Games Without Gambling Instruments [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 99-124]
Necessity or Non-necessity of Sending a Declaration Concerning a Sight Bill
and a Demand Promissory Note [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 7-16]
The Concept and Status of Fault
in Compulsory and Contractual Civil Liability [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 51-94]
Bill of exchange
The Commission of Strengthening the Peace:
a New Achievement within the Limit of
the Structural Amendment of
the United Nations Organization [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 13-26]
Biological indicators
The Legal Status of Resorting to
Biological, Psychological and Social Indicators
in Distinguishing a Dangerous State [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 169-186]
Biological weapons
The Prohibition on the Use of Biological Weapons from the Perspective of International Criminal Law and Islam [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 3-32]
Bodily Harm
Comparative Study of Consent of the Victim on Bodily Harm in the Law of Iran and Germany [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 3-32]
Iran’s Criminal Policy against the Bombing and Its Reformation Strategies [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 387-416]
Breach or violation
The Deviation from the Domestic Jurisdiction in the Process of the Criminal Procedure of Iran and France [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 195-220]
Calling for the repentance of the apostate
The Abolition (Nonsuit) of the Death Penalty of a Murtad Fitri in the Supposition of the Repentance and the Legality of Calling for the Repentance by the Judge [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 309-330]
Calling the apostate to repent before he is executed
The Crime of Apostasy (Irtidād) in the Islamic Traditions (Ahadith) [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 3-24]
Albert Camus’s Philosophical Reflection on the Rejection of the Death Penalty [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 295-326]
Mechanism of Prevention of Torture and Unjust, Non-human and Humiliating Punishments or Behaviors in the Protocol of 2002 A.D. [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 60-45]
Capital punishment
A Sociological Study on the Evolutions of
the Death Penalty in Afghanistan [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 241-268]
Causing Obstruction
Pathology of Illegal Possession Offence with Emphasis on Case Law [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 63-94]
Causing trouble
Pathology of Illegal Possession Offence with Emphasis on Case Law [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 63-94]
The International Criminal Court on the Verge of Two Decades of Activity: Challenges and Achievements [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 83-110]
Change of reality
The Analysis of the Offence (Crime) of the Abstract Forgery [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 207-234]
The Commission of Strengthening the Peace:
a New Achievement within the Limit of
the Structural Amendment of
the United Nations Organization [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 13-26]
The Analysis of the Multiple Crimes Committed by the Juveniles and Minors in Criminal Law of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 255-276]
Children and adolescents
Requirements for the Effective Participation of Children and Adolescents in Court Hearings: A Comparative Study of International Standards and the Penal System of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 289-332]
Children and youth Criminal protection
A Comparative Study of Aggravating Punishment Factors in Sexual Offences Against Juvenile and Adolescents in the Criminal Law of Iran, France and Canada [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 223-264]
Citizenship right
Investigation of the Contract of Shelter in Support of the Life of the Infidel Holding the Contract (Homicide) from the Perspective of Jurisprudence and Article 310 of the Islamic Penal Code [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 99-128]
Civil Society
The International Criminal Court on the Verge of Two Decades of Activity: Challenges and Achievements [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 83-110]
War Crimes and Its Interaction with Crimes against Humanity and Genocide [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 67-98]
Classic Fraud
Computer Fraud; A Reflection on the Elements of Crime and Its Effects [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 51-82]
Climate change
Criminological Study of the Crime Evolutions in the Light of Climate Crisis [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 59-86]
Climate strain
Criminological Study of the Crime Evolutions in the Light of Climate Crisis [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 59-86]
Clinical criminology
The Content Analysis of “The Neighbors” in the Area of the Juvenile Crime in the Light of the Criminological Findings [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 149-178]
Criminal Rationality”; Restrictions and Challenges (With Emphasis on Violent Crimes) [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 239-270]
Combating terrorism
Terrorism and Penal Code (Criminal Code) [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 55-86]
Combinatory responses
Combinatory Responses in International Criminal Policy [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 95-124]
Combined Criminal Policy
Iran’s Combined Criminal Policy
Towards Environmental Delinquency [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 69-98]
Combined theory
Philosophical-Sociological Review of the Human Subject in Criminology with an Emphasis on the Combined Theory of Postmodern Criminology [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 271-304]
Commercial action
Alternative (Optional) Jurisdiction of a Court of
a Place Where the Paying Bank is Located
in Claims Relating to Cheques: Critical Analysis of a Binding Judgment of the Supreme Court [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 47-60]
Commercial documents
The Commission of Strengthening the Peace:
a New Achievement within the Limit of
the Structural Amendment of
the United Nations Organization [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 13-26]
Commercial law
Necessity or Non-necessity of Sending a Declaration Concerning a Sight Bill
and a Demand Promissory Note [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 7-16]
Commercial law
The Concept and Status of Fault
in Compulsory and Contractual Civil Liability [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 51-94]
Commercial papers
Necessity or Non-necessity of Sending a Declaration Concerning a Sight Bill
and a Demand Promissory Note [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 7-16]
Commercial papers
The Concept and Status of Fault
in Compulsory and Contractual Civil Liability [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 51-94]
Committee for prevention of torture
Mechanism of Prevention of Torture and Unjust, Non-human and Humiliating Punishments or Behaviors in the Protocol of 2002 A.D. [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 60-45]
Common Decency
Comparative Study of Consent of the Victim on Bodily Harm in the Law of Iran and Germany [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 3-32]
Comparative Law
A Comparative Study of Aggravating Punishment Factors in Sexual Offences Against Juvenile and Adolescents in the Criminal Law of Iran, France and Canada [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 223-264]
Compensation and restitution
The Right to Compensation and Restitution for the Victim and the Challenges Facing It in the International Criminal Court [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 129-160]
Alternative (Optional) Jurisdiction of a Court of
a Place Where the Paying Bank is Located
in Claims Relating to Cheques: Critical Analysis of a Binding Judgment of the Supreme Court [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 47-60]
Competition law
Principles Governing Merchantable Competition Law Considering the Respective Bill [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 169-186]
Complaints in cases of indecency
A reflection on the necessity and continuity of complaints in crimes against chastity in Article 102 of the Criminal Procedure Code [(Articles in Press)]
The Complementarity Regime of the International Criminal Court and the Crime of Aggression [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 201-224]
Compulsory prosecution
The Opportunity of Penal Prosecution in the Criminal System of Iran with a Comparative Look [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 57-84]
Computer Data
Computer Fraud; A Reflection on the Elements of Crime and Its Effects [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 51-82]
Computer Fraud
Computer Fraud; A Reflection on the Elements of Crime and Its Effects [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 51-82]
Jurisprudential Principles of Legitimacy of Mental Rights [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 61-96]
Concrete forgery
The Analysis of the Offence (Crime) of the Abstract Forgery [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 207-234]
Condition of stability
A Review of Regulating Governmental Contracts in Commercial International Law [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 17-50]
Conditional interpretation
Conditional Interpretation of Life Imprisonment in Compelling Conditions for Retribution: Nature and Consequences [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 157-196]
Conditions of qiṣāṣ
Analysis of the Fundamentals of the Extinction of Qiṣāṣ with Murderer’s Reconversion After the Crime (Note 2 of Article 310 of the Islamic Penal Code) [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 39-60]
Confession in offenses
The Positive Values of Confession in Crimes from the Theoretical Obligations to the Legal Evolutions [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 119-144]
Confidential Inquiry
Countries’ Police Cooperation to Improve the Effectiveness of the Fight against Crime in the Light of International Documents [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 111-146]
Comparative Study of Consent of the Victim on Bodily Harm in the Law of Iran and Germany [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 3-32]
Consequences of crime
Feasibility of Proving the General Aspect of the Crime by Compurgation [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 75-98]
Judgement Removing and Decriminalization from the Point of View of the Constitution
and Administrative Law [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 105-122]
Criminal Protection for Consumers Against Corporate Crimes: Challenges and Solutions [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 221-254]
The Nature of a Contract for Utilization
from a Renting Womb [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 149-168]
Contractual terms
Fundamentals of the Principle of
“Good Will and Fair Conduct in” Contracts [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 95-126]
Contradiction of Verdicts
Assessing the Possibility of Delaying the Execution of Qiṣāṣ (Retaliation) or Hudud -E- Salib -E- Hayat (the Limit of Death Sentencing) If a New Crime Is Committed or the Previous Crime Is Committed by Authenticating [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 199-226]
The Challenges of the Criminal Prosecution in the Light of the Conversions of the Legal Entities [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 255-284]
Conventional necessity of prevention
The Legal-Criminology Criteria of Situational Crime Prevention [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 145-180]
Coral reefs
Crimes against the Coral Reefs from the Perspective of Law and Victimology [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 211-238]
Corona Virus
Criminal Liability for Transmission of
Corona Virus in the Iranian Penal System
(With Emphasis on the Risk to Life) [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 161-188]
Corporal punishments
Investigating the Evolution of Corporal Punishment Reactions in the Society of Afghanistan from the Perspective of Cultural Sociology [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 297-324]
Correctional justice
Defendant’s Legal Rights in Criminal Prosecution Alternatives [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 161-188]
Corruption in economic system
The Analysis of Pyramid Schemes from the Perspective of Private Criminal Law and Comparing it with Network Marketing [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 27-52]
Countries’ Police Cooperation
Countries’ Police Cooperation to Improve the Effectiveness of the Fight against Crime in the Light of International Documents [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 111-146]
Court of justice
Judgement Removing and Decriminalization from the Point of View of the Constitution
and Administrative Law [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 105-122]
Court’s jurisdiction
The Deviation from the Domestic Jurisdiction in the Process of the Criminal Procedure of Iran and France [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 195-220]
The Lapse of Qisas (Retaliation) without the Security for Debts of Indebted Murdered Person (an Islamic Jurisprudential Thought on Article 432 of the Islamic Penal Code of Iran) [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 35-54]
The Proofs of Qisas of the Debtor’s Murderer
by Relying on Unfamed View of Ṣāḥib al-Jawāhir and the Islamic Penal Code of 2013 [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 157-178]
Legal-Criminological Approach to Intervention of Observers in Crime Prevention [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 3-30]
The Principle of “Legitimacy of Offences and Punishments in Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 89-114]
Mechanism of Prevention of Torture and Unjust, Non-human and Humiliating Punishments or Behaviors in the Protocol of 2002 A.D. [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 60-45]
The Jurisprudential and Legal Study of the Jobar Maxim [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 327-346]
Crime rates
Criminological Study of the Crime Evolutions in the Light of Climate Crisis [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 59-86]
Crimes against Chastity
Differential Proceedings Crimes against of Chastity; From Proper Prosecution to Organizational Competence [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 147-168]
Crimes against humanity
War Crimes and Its Interaction with Crimes against Humanity and Genocide [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 67-98]
Crimes against humanity
The Prohibition on the Use of Biological Weapons from the Perspective of International Criminal Law and Islam [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 3-32]
Criminal Court One
Challenges Facing the Additional Jurisdiction of the Criminal Court One [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 305-338]
Criminal Destruction
Iran’s Criminal Policy against the Bombing and Its Reformation Strategies [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 387-416]
Criminal Liability
The Basis for the Principle of
Individualization of Criminal Responsibility
within the Scope of Religions [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 127-146]
Criminal Liability
The Review of the Concept “Perception” the Subject Matter of Article 91 of the Islamic Penal Code; The Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Law and Cognitive Neuroscience [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 3-28]
Criminal Policy
The Transition from Peacemaking Criminology to Peacemaking Criminal Policy [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 257-288]
Criminal Policy
Assessing the Validity of Illegal Drug Trade Crime Based on the Components of Legality, Legitimacy and Efficiency [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 289-322]
Criminal Policy
Analysis of the Legislator’s Criminal Policy
in (the Appended) Article 45 of the Addendum to the Anti-Narcotics (Narcoterrorism) Law [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 249-272]
Criminal Policy
The Criminal Policy in the Mortelle Book [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 105-140]
Criminal Policy
Movement of Returning to Punishment
in Criminal Policy of Western Countries:
Reasons and Manifestations [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 253-294]
Criminal Policy
Evaluation of Lenient Institutions in Iran’s Criminal Policy (By Emphasis on Extreme Expansion and Inefficient) [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 153-178]
Criminal Policy
A Comparative Study of Aggravating Punishment Factors in Sexual Offences Against Juvenile and Adolescents in the Criminal Law of Iran, France and Canada [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 223-264]
Criminal Policy
A Dual Reactive Response Against Tax Crime in Iranian and French Law [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 3-38]
Criminal and non-criminal court orders
A New Approach in England Law towards Children’s Crimes [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 123-152]
Criminal balance
Criminal Transferring
(Review on Article 516 of Iranian Penal Code) [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2010, Pages 3-14]
Criminal complaint
The Elements of Private Interest Criminal Offenses in the Penal Code of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 39-64]
Criminal defenses
The De Minimis; Understanding the Concept and Its Application in Criminal Law [(Articles in Press)]
Criminal evidences
The Conflict of Evidences Proving the Crimes Deserving (Causing) Qisas, Diya and Ta’zir; Cases and Strategies [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 3-34]
Criminal exemption
Principles, Scope, and Juridical/Legal Effects of “the Welfare Right” of the Prisoners with “Hard-Treatment Illnesses” [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 29-66]
Criminal fiqh
Doubt of the Islamic Legal Maxim of Dar’ (درأ) (Hudud Avoidance in the Case of Doubt) in the Law of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 3-28]
Criminal growth
A New Approach in England Law towards Children’s Crimes [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 123-152]
Criminal hardening
Analysis of the Legislator’s Criminal Policy
in (the Appended) Article 45 of the Addendum to the Anti-Narcotics (Narcoterrorism) Law [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 249-272]
Criminal intent
An Introduction to the Criminalization of the Financing of Terrorism, Nature and the Ways of the Commitment [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 247-274]
Criminal justice system
The De Minimis; Understanding the Concept and Its Application in Criminal Law [(Articles in Press)]
Criminal justice system of Iran
Requirements for the Effective Participation of Children and Adolescents in Court Hearings: A Comparative Study of International Standards and the Penal System of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 289-332]
Criminal law
Economic Analysis of Criminal Law with respect to Theories Appropriate to Legal Pragmatism [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 53-82]
Criminal law
The Abolition (Nonsuit) of the Death Penalty of a Murtad Fitri in the Supposition of the Repentance and the Legality of Calling for the Repentance by the Judge [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 309-330]
Criminal law
A Research on the Offence of Utilizing
A Forged document [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 187-210]
Criminal law
Movement of Returning to Punishment
in Criminal Policy of Western Countries:
Reasons and Manifestations [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 253-294]
Criminal phenomenon
Movement of Returning to Punishment
in Criminal Policy of Western Countries:
Reasons and Manifestations [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 253-294]
Criminal policy of Iran
Crimes against the Coral Reefs from the Perspective of Law and Victimology [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 211-238]
Criminal process
The Elements of Private Interest Criminal Offenses in the Penal Code of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 39-64]
Criminal process
Functions of Strategic Principles of the Criminal Procedure [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 125-154]
Criminal prosecution
Defendant’s Legal Rights in Criminal Prosecution Alternatives [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 161-188]
Criminal prosecution
The Challenges of the Criminal Prosecution in the Light of the Conversions of the Legal Entities [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 255-284]
Criminal prosecution
The Reflection of Criminal Justice Theories in the Statutes of the International Criminal Court [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 89-122]
Criminal prosecution alternatives
Defendant’s Legal Rights in Criminal Prosecution Alternatives [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 161-188]
Criminal reaction
Delegating of Punishment to Legislator from the Perspective of Psychological Teachings [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 265-296]
Criminal responsibility
The Place of Mens Rea and Criminal Responsibility in the Definition of Crime [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 33-62]
Iranian Criminal Laws Relating to Juvenile Delinquency: Past and Present [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 41-60]
The Criminalization of Concealing Evidence and Its Challenges in the Law of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 145-172]
Assessing the Validity of Illegal Drug Trade Crime Based on the Components of Legality, Legitimacy and Efficiency [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 289-322]
The Decriminalization of Vagrancy and Begging Crimes (Offenses) [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 127-146]
Criminalization in the Realm of Cryptocurrencies [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 29-68]
An Introduction to the Criminalization of the Financing of Terrorism, Nature and the Ways of the Commitment [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 247-274]
Combinatory Responses in International Criminal Policy [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 95-124]
A Comparative Study of Aggravating Punishment Factors in Sexual Offences Against Juvenile and Adolescents in the Criminal Law of Iran, France and Canada [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 223-264]
Criminalization (criminalizing)
Pre-trial Criminalization of Terrorist Acts [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 123-160]
Criminological theories
Crime Prevention in Criminological Theories
and the Scope of Its Restrictions [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2010, Pages 15-38]
The Pathology of Teaching
and Research of Criminology in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 23-40]
The Nature of the Indigenization: An Introduction to the Concept of Indigenization of Criminology [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 329-364]
Criminology approach
Criminological Study of the Crime Evolutions in the Light of Climate Crisis [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 59-86]
Cultural criminology
The Cultural Criminology Approach to the Changing Patterns of Drug Use amongst the Young [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 83-106]
Cultural developments
A Sociological Study on the Evolutions of
the Death Penalty in Afghanistan [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 241-268]
Cultural heritage
Objectives and Effective Factors in Punishing the Perpetrators of Crimes against Cultural Heritage in the Light of the Al-Mahdi Case and the Procedure of the International Criminal Court [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 261-294]
Cyber security and peace
The Effectiveness of Tallinn Manual 2017
on the ICC’s Jurisdiction in Establishing International Peace and Cyber Security [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 269-296]
Cyber war
Cyber wars disrupting critical infrastructure as a war crime [(Articles in Press)]
The Situational Prevention Strategies of Cybercrime [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 147-176]
The Criminology Approach to Online Threats to Girls [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 215-234]
Cyberspace refinement
Virtual Space filtering In the light of human rights documents [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 35-68]
Damage (loss)
The Jurisprudential and Legal Study of the Jobar Maxim [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 327-346]
Danger concept
Criminal Background as a Manifestation of the “Dangerous State” and Its Application to Alternatives of Prison Sentences [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 3-28]
Danger concept
Criminal Background as a Manifestation of the “Dangerous State” and Its Application to Alternatives of Prison Sentences [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 315-328]
Danger instances
Criminal Background as a Manifestation of the “Dangerous State” and Its Application to Alternatives of Prison Sentences [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 3-28]
Danger instances
Criminal Background as a Manifestation of the “Dangerous State” and Its Application to Alternatives of Prison Sentences [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 315-328]
Dangerous offender
The Legal Status of Resorting to
Biological, Psychological and Social Indicators
in Distinguishing a Dangerous State [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 169-186]
Dangerous state
The Legal Status of Resorting to
Biological, Psychological and Social Indicators
in Distinguishing a Dangerous State [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 169-186]
Dangerous state
Prevention of Recidivism through Artificial Intelligence; Requirements and Limitations [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 33-54]
Risk-Oriented Criminal Law in the Realm of Terrorist Crimes [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 197-228]
Death penalty
Punishment for Murder in the Unchaste Repeat Crimes with Emphasizing on Takmelat al-Minhaj (تکملة المنهاج) [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 235-254]
Death penalty
Albert Camus’s Philosophical Reflection on the Rejection of the Death Penalty [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 295-326]
The Lapse of Qisas (Retaliation) without the Security for Debts of Indebted Murdered Person (an Islamic Jurisprudential Thought on Article 432 of the Islamic Penal Code of Iran) [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 35-54]
Necessity or Non-necessity of Sending a Declaration Concerning a Sight Bill
and a Demand Promissory Note [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 7-16]
The Concept and Status of Fault
in Compulsory and Contractual Civil Liability [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 51-94]
The Evalution of Decriminalization Policy of the 5th Five-Year Development Plan (5th FYDP) in the Islamic Penal Code of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 87-118]
Judgement Removing and Decriminalization from the Point of View of the Constitution
and Administrative Law [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 105-122]
Defamation Crimes:
From Criminalization to Decriminalization and Civil Law Model [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 203-240]
Defamation Crimes:
From Criminalization to Decriminalization and Civil Law Model [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 203-240]
Loss of Self-Control Defense; the Legal Evolution of Killing Deriving from the Extreme Provocation of Emotions [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 219-254]
Defense rights
Defendant’s Legal Rights in Criminal Prosecution Alternatives [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 161-188]
Definition of crime
The Place of Mens Rea and Criminal Responsibility in the Definition of Crime [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 33-62]
The Pathology of Teaching
and Research of Criminology in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 23-40]
Detachment (separation)
The Equality of the Detachment of a Small Piece of a Bone with Its Fracture in Islamic Penal Code [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 305-328]
Criminal Rationality”; Restrictions and Challenges (With Emphasis on Violent Crimes) [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 239-270]
Detrimental act to chastity
Complainant Victims in Detrimental Crimes to Public Morality [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 55-88]
Development of Fair Trial
Disclosure of Intermediary Identity; A Manifestation of the Development of a Fair Proceeding in the International Criminal Court [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 227-256]
Developmental crime prevention
Risk Factors and Protective Strategies for Children in the Children and Young Persons Safety Act 1399 [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 275-304]
The Decriminalization of Vagrancy and Begging Crimes (Offenses) [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 127-146]
Jurisprudential Analysis of Article 590 of the Islamic Penal Code in Determining the Amount of Eyelid Diya (Blood Money) [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 31-50]
Differential Pre-Trial Detention of Ill People in Criminal Procedure Regulations of Iran (1378 & 1392 [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 3-26]
Differential Proceedings
Differential Proceedings Crimes against of Chastity; From Proper Prosecution to Organizational Competence [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 147-168]
Digital technological situational crime prevention
Crime Prevention Relating to Cheques 1397 Amendments on Cheque’s Issuance Regulation [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 69-104]
Diminished criminal responsibility
A comparative study of the evolution of criminal responsibility in the Kaffir Laws of Iran and Afghanistan (Emphasizing the bill and extensions of the age of criminal responsibility) [(Articles in Press)]
Direct Trial
Challenges Facing the Additional Jurisdiction of the Criminal Court One [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 305-338]
Disclosure of information
The Criminology Approach to Online Threats to Girls [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 215-234]
Computer Fraud; A Reflection on the Elements of Crime and Its Effects [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 51-82]
Computer Fraud; A Reflection on the Elements of Crime and Its Effects [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 51-82]
The Challenges of the Criminal Prosecution in the Light of the Conversions of the Legal Entities [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 255-284]
Disturbing peace and order in the land -fassad fil-arz
The Evalution of Decriminalization Policy of the 5th Five-Year Development Plan (5th FYDP) in the Islamic Penal Code of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 87-118]
Diya (punitive compensation)
The Comparison of the Legal Decision of the Death and Escape of Murderer and the Method of the Payment of Diya (Mulct) in the Former and Present Islamic Penal Code of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 55-74]
Diyat of Eyelid (Blood Money)
Jurisprudential Analysis of Article 590 of the Islamic Penal Code in Determining the Amount of Eyelid Diya (Blood Money) [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 31-50]
Domestic violence
Risks of Domestic Violence Against Women and Preventive Solutions of It [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 127-152]
Doubtful transaction
Preventing Money Laundering
in Monetary and Banking System [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 135-154]
Drug use control programs
The Cultural Criminology Approach to the Changing Patterns of Drug Use amongst the Young [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 83-106]
Analysis of the Legislator’s Criminal Policy
in (the Appended) Article 45 of the Addendum to the Anti-Narcotics (Narcoterrorism) Law [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 249-272]
Duality system in the duality of war crimes
War Crimes and Its Interaction with Crimes against Humanity and Genocide [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 67-98]
Duress in murder
Conditional Interpretation of Life Imprisonment in Compelling Conditions for Retribution: Nature and Consequences [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 157-196]
Early prevention
Risk Factors and Protective Strategies for Children in the Children and Young Persons Safety Act 1399 [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 275-304]
International Ecological Criminalization [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 273-304]
The Basics of International Criminalization of Ecocide [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 185-220]
Eda or accommodation endorsement of debts
The Proofs of Qisas of the Debtor’s Murderer
by Relying on Unfamed View of Ṣāḥib al-Jawāhir and the Islamic Penal Code of 2013 [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 157-178]
Effective Participation
Requirements for the Effective Participation of Children and Adolescents in Court Hearings: A Comparative Study of International Standards and the Penal System of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 289-332]
Effects and orders
Jurisprudential Principles of Legitimacy of Mental Rights [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 61-96]
Assessing the Validity of Illegal Drug Trade Crime Based on the Components of Legality, Legitimacy and Efficiency [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 289-322]
The Challenge of Justice and Efficiency in the Discourse of the Criminal Managerialism with Emphasis on the Law of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 29-54]
The Elements of Private Interest Criminal Offenses in the Penal Code of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 39-64]
Elements of crime
The Place of Mens Rea and Criminal Responsibility in the Definition of Crime [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 33-62]
Emergency Situation
Legal-Criminological Approach to Intervention of Observers in Crime Prevention [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 3-30]
Eminent domain (Expropriation)
Guarantees for Protection of the Right of Possession in Confiscation and Forfeiture of the Crime Instrument from the Criticism of the Expropriation Discourse to the Limitation on Eminent Domain [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 277-308]
The Basics of International Criminalization of Ecocide [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 185-220]
Environmental Delinquency
Iran’s Combined Criminal Policy
Towards Environmental Delinquency [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 69-98]
Environmental harm
International Ecological Criminalization [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 273-304]
Social Justice and Criminal Justice: Division or Connection [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 25-54]
Equality of arms
The Stigmatization of the Criminal Convicts and Accused the Criminal Security-Oriented Approach [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 65-90]
European law
Being Formed Pyramid the Sources of the Criminal Law in Europe and Challenges Confronting It [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 175-198]
Evidence of lack of growth
A New Approach in England Law towards Children’s Crimes [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 123-152]
The Deviation from the Domestic Jurisdiction in the Process of the Criminal Procedure of Iran and France [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 195-220]
Excreted criminal liability
A comparative study of the evolution of criminal responsibility in the Kaffir Laws of Iran and Afghanistan (Emphasizing the bill and extensions of the age of criminal responsibility) [(Articles in Press)]
Critical Evaluation of the Documents of the Death Sentence in Adultery with the Spouse of the Father (Paragraph (b) of Article 224 of
the Islamic Penal Code of 1392 (2013) [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 229-248]
Analysis of the Legislator’s Criminal Policy
in (the Appended) Article 45 of the Addendum to the Anti-Narcotics (Narcoterrorism) Law [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 249-272]
Executive actors
Rule-Based Necessity Policies in Criminal Justice Implementation [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 153-184]
Executive and judicial institutions
Iranian Governmental Institutions Actions
on Prevention of Criminality [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 61-88]
Exercise of jurisdiction
The Prospect of Overcoming the Obstacles of
the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in the Situation of Afghanistan [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 179-202]
Albert Camus’s Philosophical Reflection on the Rejection of the Death Penalty [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 295-326]
Expanding confiscation
Requirements for Establishing an Expanding Confiscation System in Light of the Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force and Its Reflection in the Legal System of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 179-222]
Iran’s Criminal Policy against the Bombing and Its Reformation Strategies [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 387-416]
Extreme (radical)
Evaluation of Lenient Institutions in Iran’s Criminal Policy (By Emphasis on Extreme Expansion and Inefficient) [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 153-178]
Jurisprudential Analysis of Article 590 of the Islamic Penal Code in Determining the Amount of Eyelid Diya (Blood Money) [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 31-50]
Fair conduct
Fundamentals of the Principle of
“Good Will and Fair Conduct in” Contracts [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 95-126]
Fair prevention
Behavioral Economics and the Issue of the Perception of Punishment: From Choice architecture to Critique of Behavioral paternalism [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 297-330]
Fair procedure
The Stigmatization of the Criminal Convicts and Accused the Criminal Security-Oriented Approach [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 65-90]
Fair procedure
Requirements for the Effective Participation of Children and Adolescents in Court Hearings: A Comparative Study of International Standards and the Penal System of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 289-332]
Fair trial
The Right of the Defendant’s Awareness of the Exculpatory Evidence in the Prosecutor’s Possession [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 139-164]
Fair trial
The Accused’s Right to
Benefit from the Assistance of Defending Attorney
in the Preliminary Investigations Stage [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2010, Pages 39-60]
Fair trial
Functions of Strategic Principles of the Criminal Procedure [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 125-154]
Fair trial
The Effect of Linguistic Diversity and the Right on Translation in the Realization of Fair Trial in International Criminal Proceedings [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 93-126]
The Justification of the Punishment in the Justice System as Fairness [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 75-100]
Risk Factors and Protective Strategies for Children in the Children and Young Persons Safety Act 1399 [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 275-304]
Family or relatives
The Comparison of the Legal Decision of the Death and Escape of Murderer and the Method of the Payment of Diya (Mulct) in the Former and Present Islamic Penal Code of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 55-74]
Father’s spouse
Critical Evaluation of the Documents of the Death Sentence in Adultery with the Spouse of the Father (Paragraph (b) of Article 224 of
the Islamic Penal Code of 1392 (2013) [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 229-248]
Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
Requirements for Establishing an Expanding Confiscation System in Light of the Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force and Its Reflection in the Legal System of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 179-222]
Financial convictions
The Examination of Arrest
in Finacial Convictions in Accordance with Islamic Jurisprudence and Legal Principles [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 115-132]
Fiqh on purpose (purposeful fiqh)
The Jurisprudential Approach to the Liability for the Payment of Diyya in Killing Resulted from the Non-Capital Sentencing [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 185-218]
Legal Authorities of Police Use of Firearms (Comparative Study of Criminal Policy of Iran and Britain) [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 199-224]
Flagrant offences
Vehicular Searches by the Police: Conflicting of Police Procedures with Law-Based Investigations [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 353-397]
A Comparative Study of Jurisprudential and Legal Documents (Evidence) of the Sentence
for the Death Penalty of an Adulterer
Who Committed Adultery with Maḥrams (incest),
the Subject of Article 224 of the Islamic Penal Code [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 331-360]
Forcible male homosexuality
Comparative Study of the Offense of Sexual Assault in the Legal System of Iran and International Criminal Law [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 3-34]
Forcible sexual intercourse without consent
Comparative Study of the Offense of Sexual Assault in the Legal System of Iran and International Criminal Law [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 3-34]
Forged document
A Research on the Offence of Utilizing
A Forged document [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 187-210]
A Research on the Offence of Utilizing
A Forged document [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 187-210]
Formal proceedings
Reviewing the Basis and Nature of the Appeal Proceedings in the French and Iranian Criminal Legal System [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 141-170]
Formation of juvenile Court Bill
Iranian Criminal Laws Relating to Juvenile Delinquency: Past and Present [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 41-60]
The Basics of International Criminalization of Ecocide [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 185-220]
Fracture diyya (monetary compensation)
The Equality of the Detachment of a Small Piece of a Bone with Its Fracture in Islamic Penal Code [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 305-328]
Fraudulent scientific works
The Fraud Offense in Ordering the Scientific Works [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 59-80]
Freedom of expression and information
Virtual Space filtering In the light of human rights documents [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 35-68]
Funds originated from crimes
Legitimizing Earnings Derived from Drug Smuggling in the National, Domestic, or Internal Law and International Documents [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 155-174]
Gambling (Arabic: اَلْقِمار)
A Jurisprudential and Legal Analysis of the Evidence for the Rulings on Betting in Emerging Games Without Gambling Instruments [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 99-124]
General Supervisor
Legal-Criminological Approach to Intervention of Observers in Crime Prevention [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 3-30]
General rules of contracts
The Nature of a Contract for Utilization
from a Renting Womb [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 149-168]
War Crimes and Its Interaction with Crimes against Humanity and Genocide [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 67-98]
International Civil Liability for the Committed Crimes in Myanmar [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 117-148]
German Criminal Law
Comparative Study of Consent of the Victim on Bodily Harm in the Law of Iran and Germany [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 3-32]
The Criminology Approach to Online Threats to Girls [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 215-234]
Global peace and secturity
The Examination and Analysis of the Guarantees of Economic and Social Law of International (Welfare Law) in Municipal Law Systems [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 27-46]
Good will
Fundamentals of the Principle of
“Good Will and Fair Conduct in” Contracts [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 95-126]
Government authorities
War Crimes and Its Interaction with Crimes against Humanity and Genocide [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 67-98]
Governmental contracts
A Review of Regulating Governmental Contracts in Commercial International Law [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 17-50]
Gradual criminal responsibility
A comparative study of the evolution of criminal responsibility in the Kaffir Laws of Iran and Afghanistan (Emphasizing the bill and extensions of the age of criminal responsibility) [(Articles in Press)]
Green victim
Crimes against the Coral Reefs from the Perspective of Law and Victimology [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 211-238]
Examination and Analysis of the Article 7 of Tort Law [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 3-22]
Examination and Analysis of the Article 7 of Tort Law [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 3-22]
The Basis for the Principle of
Individualization of Criminal Responsibility
within the Scope of Religions [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 127-146]
Hadd (Limits)
Assessing the Possibility of Delaying the Execution of Qiṣāṣ (Retaliation) or Hudud -E- Salib -E- Hayat (the Limit of Death Sentencing) If a New Crime Is Committed or the Previous Crime Is Committed by Authenticating [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 199-226]
Subsidiary Punishments in Murder [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 229-260]
Hard-treatment illnesses
Principles, Scope, and Juridical/Legal Effects of “the Welfare Right” of the Prisoners with “Hard-Treatment Illnesses” [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 29-66]
Healing (recovery)
Diyya of Nasal Bone Fractures in Fiqh and the Islamic Penal Code (2013); A Contrast between the Approach of Making Equals (Tandheer) and Defined Measures (Taqdeer) [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 195-224]
Health outcomes
The Unintended Consequences of Policing Strategies in Controlling Drug Trafficking [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 115-138]
The Proofs of Qisas of the Debtor’s Murderer
by Relying on Unfamed View of Ṣāḥib al-Jawāhir and the Islamic Penal Code of 2013 [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 157-178]
Helping methods of producing child
Jurisprudential Study of
Using an Alternative Womb [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006]
Hermeneutics guide
The Martens clause in International Criminal Law; the Nature and Interpretive Functions [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 123-156]
Being Formed Pyramid the Sources of the Criminal Law in Europe and Challenges Confronting It [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 175-198]
History of criminal conviction
Criminal Background as a Manifestation of the “Dangerous State” and Its Application to Alternatives of Prison Sentences [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 3-28]
History of criminal conviction
Criminal Background as a Manifestation of the “Dangerous State” and Its Application to Alternatives of Prison Sentences [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 315-328]
The Critical Approach to the Deprivation of Liberty of the Convicted to Qiṣāṣ in the Process of the Requesting for the Authorization [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 81-116]
Homicide in marriage bed
Conditions for a Homicide Preventing Inheritance and Its Comparative Studying in the Islamic Sects [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 117-148]
Hudud (Prescribed punishment)
The Crime of Apostasy (Irtidād) in the Islamic Traditions (Ahadith) [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 3-24]
Human Rights
Requirements of Lawfare for the International Criminal Court and Its Paradigmatic Foundations [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 379-412]
Human subject
Philosophical-Sociological Review of the Human Subject in Criminology with an Emphasis on the Combined Theory of Postmodern Criminology [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 271-304]
Diyya of Nasal Bone Fractures in Fiqh and the Islamic Penal Code (2013); A Contrast between the Approach of Making Equals (Tandheer) and Defined Measures (Taqdeer) [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 195-224]
The Right to Compensation and Restitution for the Victim and the Challenges Facing It in the International Criminal Court [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 129-160]
The Prospect of Overcoming the Obstacles of
the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in the Situation of Afghanistan [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 179-202]
Testifying Through Video Conferencing and The Procedure of International Criminal Tribunals in Its Acceptance [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 189-210]
Testifying Through Video Conferencing and The Procedure of International Criminal Tribunals in Its Acceptance [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 189-210]
Identity Disclosure
Disclosure of Intermediary Identity; A Manifestation of the Development of a Fair Proceeding in the International Criminal Court [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 227-256]
Ill people’s right
Differential Pre-Trial Detention of Ill People in Criminal Procedure Regulations of Iran (1378 & 1392 [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 3-26]
Illegal Drug Trade
Assessing the Validity of Illegal Drug Trade Crime Based on the Components of Legality, Legitimacy and Efficiency [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 289-322]
Illegal possession
Pathology of Illegal Possession Offence with Emphasis on Case Law [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 63-94]
Immature prevention
A New Approach in England Law towards Children’s Crimes [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 123-152]
Imminent danger
Putative Self-Defense [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 155-194]
Imperative ruling of betting
A Jurisprudential and Legal Analysis of the Evidence for the Rulings on Betting in Emerging Games Without Gambling Instruments [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 99-124]
The Examination of Arrest
in Finacial Convictions in Accordance with Islamic Jurisprudence and Legal Principles [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 115-132]
The Critical Approach to the Deprivation of Liberty of the Convicted to Qiṣāṣ in the Process of the Requesting for the Authorization [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 81-116]
A Comparative Study of Jurisprudential and Legal Documents (Evidence) of the Sentence
for the Death Penalty of an Adulterer
Who Committed Adultery with Maḥrams (incest),
the Subject of Article 224 of the Islamic Penal Code [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 331-360]
Indebted murdered person
The Lapse of Qisas (Retaliation) without the Security for Debts of Indebted Murdered Person (an Islamic Jurisprudential Thought on Article 432 of the Islamic Penal Code of Iran) [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 35-54]
Independent Crime
International Ecological Criminalization [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 273-304]
Evaluation of Lenient Institutions in Iran’s Criminal Policy (By Emphasis on Extreme Expansion and Inefficient) [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 153-178]
Investigation of the Contract of Shelter in Support of the Life of the Infidel Holding the Contract (Homicide) from the Perspective of Jurisprudence and Article 310 of the Islamic Penal Code [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 99-128]
An Analysis on the Article 873 of Civil Law [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 97-104]
A Study on the Civil Nature of Blood Money [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 153-176]
Insane or minor
Examination and Analysis of the Article 7 of Tort Law [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 3-22]
Insecurity feeling
Movement of Returning to Punishment
in Criminal Policy of Western Countries:
Reasons and Manifestations [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 253-294]
Examination and Analysis of the Article 7 of Tort Law [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 3-22]
Insolvency claim
The Examination of Arrest
in Finacial Convictions in Accordance with Islamic Jurisprudence and Legal Principles [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 115-132]
Instinct (nature)
Delegating of Punishment to Legislator from the Perspective of Psychological Teachings [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 265-296]
Defamation Crimes:
From Criminalization to Decriminalization and Civil Law Model [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 203-240]
Integrated Theory
Integrated Criminology: Narrating Challenges, Choosing Strategies [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 351-386]
Social Justice and Criminal Justice: Division or Connection [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 25-54]
Integrative Criminology
Integrated Criminology: Narrating Challenges, Choosing Strategies [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 351-386]
The Law of the Political Crime on the Basis of Article 168 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 193-224]
Intent to kill
Determining the Concept and Position of the Natural and Probable Consequences of Acts-the Victim’s Death in the Penal Code of Iran with a Look to the Law of France [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 179-214]
Intentional crime
Criminal Liability for Transmission of
Corona Virus in the Iranian Penal System
(With Emphasis on the Risk to Life) [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 161-188]
Intentional crimes
Feasibility of Proving the General Aspect of the Crime by Compurgation [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 75-98]
Interactive criminology
Constructing Mental Victimization: Its Factors and Effects from the Perspective of Interactional Criminology [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 347-381]
Disclosure of Intermediary Identity; A Manifestation of the Development of a Fair Proceeding in the International Criminal Court [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 227-256]
International Conventions
Countries’ Police Cooperation to Improve the Effectiveness of the Fight against Crime in the Light of International Documents [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 111-146]
International Criminal Court
Disclosure of Intermediary Identity; A Manifestation of the Development of a Fair Proceeding in the International Criminal Court [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 227-256]
International Criminal Court
The International Criminal Court on the Verge of Two Decades of Activity: Challenges and Achievements [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 83-110]
International Criminal Court
Aggravating Factors of Punishment in the Rulings of the International Criminal Court [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 169-198]
International Criminal Court
Objectives and Effective Factors in Punishing the Perpetrators of Crimes against Cultural Heritage in the Light of the Al-Mahdi Case and the Procedure of the International Criminal Court [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 261-294]
International Criminal Court
Requirements of Lawfare for the International Criminal Court and Its Paradigmatic Foundations [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 379-412]
International Criminal Courts
The Effect of Linguistic Diversity and the Right on Translation in the Realization of Fair Trial in International Criminal Proceedings [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 93-126]
International Criminal Law
The Development Environments of Exercising Criminal Laws in Territory [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 181-206]
International Criminal Law
International Ecological Criminalization [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 273-304]
International Criminal Law
Comparative Study of the Offense of Sexual Assault in the Legal System of Iran and International Criminal Law [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 3-34]
International Criminal Law
The Prohibition on the Use of Biological Weapons from the Perspective of International Criminal Law and Islam [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 3-32]
International Criminal Law
The Martens clause in International Criminal Law; the Nature and Interpretive Functions [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 123-156]
International Criminalization
The Basics of International Criminalization of Ecocide [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 185-220]
International Standards
Requirements for the Effective Participation of Children and Adolescents in Court Hearings: A Comparative Study of International Standards and the Penal System of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 289-332]
International commercial law
Fundamentals of the Principle of
“Good Will and Fair Conduct in” Contracts [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 95-126]
International crime
International Ecological Criminalization [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 273-304]
International crimes
A Look at the Capacity of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Protection of Human Rights [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 165-192]
International crimes
The Approach of the International Criminal Court to the Amnesty of the International Crimes from the View of the Double Jeopardy Rule [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 105-134]
International trade
A Review of Regulating Governmental Contracts in Commercial International Law [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 17-50]
The Martens clause in International Criminal Law; the Nature and Interpretive Functions [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 123-156]
The Impact of Political Events of the Decade of 1320 Solar Hijri on Iran’s Legislative Penal Policy [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 325-352]
Iran and USA
The Knowledge and Caution (Awareness) in Mens Rea Element for Murder in the Law of Iran and USA [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 3-32]
Iranian criminal law
A comparative study of the evolution of criminal responsibility in the Kaffir Laws of Iran and Afghanistan (Emphasizing the bill and extensions of the age of criminal responsibility) [(Articles in Press)]
Iranian criminal laws
Iranian Criminal Laws Relating to Juvenile Delinquency: Past and Present [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 41-60]
Islamic Law
The Prohibition on the Use of Biological Weapons from the Perspective of International Criminal Law and Islam [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 3-32]
Islamic criminal law
Judgement Removing in Islamic Criminal Law [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 147-168]
Islamic legal punishments
Typology of Punishment of a Legal Person [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 101-128]
The Jurisprudential and Legal Study of the Jobar Maxim [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 327-346]
Joint Inquiry Team (Committee)
Countries’ Police Cooperation to Improve the Effectiveness of the Fight against Crime in the Light of International Documents [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 111-146]
Judgement removing
Judgement Removing in Islamic Criminal Law [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 147-168]
Judicial Authorities
The Quality of Repentance Obtaining by a Case Study of Court Rulings [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 323-350]
Judicial Productivity
The Challenge of Justice and Efficiency in the Discourse of the Criminal Managerialism with Emphasis on the Law of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 29-54]
Judicial doubt
Doubt of the Islamic Legal Maxim of Dar’ (درأ) (Hudud Avoidance in the Case of Doubt) in the Law of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 3-28]
Judicial justice
The Criminalization of Concealing Evidence and Its Challenges in the Law of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 145-172]
Judicial officers
Vehicular Searches by the Police: Conflicting of Police Procedures with Law-Based Investigations [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 353-397]
Judicial procedure
The Components of the Security Council Resolution Depend on the Interpretation of the Provisions of the Statute in the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Court; From Its Function to Its Achievements in the Situation of Sudan [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 189-208]
Judiciary removal
Defendant’s Legal Rights in Criminal Prosecution Alternatives [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 161-188]
Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court
The Components of the Security Council Resolution Depend on the Interpretation of the Provisions of the Statute in the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Court; From Its Function to Its Achievements in the Situation of Sudan [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 189-208]
Jurisprudential Authentic Sources
The Quality of Repentance Obtaining by a Case Study of Court Rulings [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 323-350]
The Challenge of Justice and Efficiency in the Discourse of the Criminal Managerialism with Emphasis on the Law of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 29-54]
The Justification of the Punishment in the Justice System as Fairness [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 75-100]
To answer evil for evil;
A philosophical-ethical reflection on the retributionist justification of pain and suffering [(Articles in Press)]
Justificatory conditions
The De Minimis; Understanding the Concept and Its Application in Criminal Law [(Articles in Press)]
Justifying reasons
Putative Self-Defense [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 155-194]
The Analysis of the Multiple Crimes Committed by the Juveniles and Minors in Criminal Law of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 255-276]
Juvenile delinauency
Iranian Criminal Laws Relating to Juvenile Delinquency: Past and Present [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 41-60]
Juvenile delinquency (juvenile offending)
The Review of the Concept “Perception” the Subject Matter of Article 91 of the Islamic Penal Code; The Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Law and Cognitive Neuroscience [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 3-28]
The Future of Criminal Procedure in Iran After the Approval of the “Bill on the Establishment of Special Police for Children and Adolescents” [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 255-288]
Kaʿb (Arabic: اَلْکَعْب, lit.: ankle), Qadam (Arabic: اَلْقَدَم, lit.: The lower extremity of the leg below the ankl or foot such as: tarsal bones, metatarsals, and phalanges or toes), Bone injuries, Bone domain and scope, Dīya (A
The Scope of the Bones of “Kaʿb” and “Qadam” and Examination of al-Dīya (Arabic: الْدِّیَة) for Injuries From the Perspective of Jurisprudence, Law, and Forensic Medicine [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 5-28]
Key words: Armed hostilities
The Examination and Analysis of the Guarantees of Economic and Social Law of International (Welfare Law) in Municipal Law Systems [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 27-46]
Key words: Blasphemy
The Crime of Apostasy (Irtidād) in the Islamic Traditions (Ahadith) [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 3-24]
Key words: Commercial law
The Commission of Strengthening the Peace:
a New Achievement within the Limit of
the Structural Amendment of
the United Nations Organization [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 13-26]
Key words: Confession
The Positive Values of Confession in Crimes from the Theoretical Obligations to the Legal Evolutions [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 119-144]
Key words: Criminal justice
Social Justice and Criminal Justice: Division or Connection [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 25-54]
Key words: Criminal law (penal code)
The Criminological Survey of Article 38 of the Islamic Penal Code of Iran (1392) [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 107-126]
Key words: Criminal procedure
Differential Pre-Trial Detention of Ill People in Criminal Procedure Regulations of Iran (1378 & 1392 [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 3-26]
Key words: Criminalization
The Evalution of Decriminalization Policy of the 5th Five-Year Development Plan (5th FYDP) in the Islamic Penal Code of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 87-118]
Key words: Decriminalization
The Decriminalization of Vagrancy and Begging Crimes (Offenses) [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 127-146]
Key words: Drug use
The Cultural Criminology Approach to the Changing Patterns of Drug Use amongst the Young [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 83-106]
Key words: Economic approach
Economic Analysis of Criminal Law with respect to Theories Appropriate to Legal Pragmatism [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 53-82]
Key words: Foreign penal code
The Development Environments of Exercising Criminal Laws in Territory [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 181-206]
Key words: Forgery
The Analysis of the Offence (Crime) of the Abstract Forgery [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 207-234]
Key words: Identity documents
The Role of the Identity Documents in the Prevention of Organized Crimes [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 177-202]
Key words: Legal relying
Criminal Transferring
(Review on Article 516 of Iranian Penal Code) [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2010, Pages 3-14]
Key words: Network marketing
The Analysis of Pyramid Schemes from the Perspective of Private Criminal Law and Comparing it with Network Marketing [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 27-52]
Key words: Penal code (Criminal law)
Terrorism and Penal Code (Criminal Code) [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 55-86]
Key words: Situational prevention
The Legal-Criminology Criteria of Situational Crime Prevention [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 145-180]
Key words: Technical prevention of crime
The Situational Prevention Strategies of Cybercrime [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 147-176]
Keywords: A legal person
Typology of Punishment of a Legal Person [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 101-128]
Keywords: Car crash
The Proportion of Liability of Drivers to the Degree of the Their Faults [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 33-56]
Keywords: Cheque
Crime Prevention Relating to Cheques 1397 Amendments on Cheque’s Issuance Regulation [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 69-104]
Keywords: Children
Risk Factors and Protective Strategies for Children in the Children and Young Persons Safety Act 1399 [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 275-304]
Keywords: Climate crime
Criminological Study of the Crime Evolutions in the Light of Climate Crisis [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 59-86]
Keywords: Concealing evidence
The Criminalization of Concealing Evidence and Its Challenges in the Law of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 145-172]
Keywords: Conflict
The Conflict of Evidences Proving the Crimes Deserving (Causing) Qisas, Diya and Ta’zir; Cases and Strategies [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 3-34]
Keywords: Conscience
The Approach of the Conscience-Centerd about the Criminal Liability [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 55-80]
Keywords: Consciousness
The Knowledge and Caution (Awareness) in Mens Rea Element for Murder in the Law of Iran and USA [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 3-32]
Keywords: Crime
The Law of the Political Crime on the Basis of Article 168 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 193-224]
Keywords: Criminal justice system
The Challenge of Justice and Efficiency in the Discourse of the Criminal Managerialism with Emphasis on the Law of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 29-54]
Keywords: Criminalization
Population Growth through Criminal Interventions; A Look to the Approval Process and the Challenges of the Implementation of the Youthful Population and Protection of the Family Law [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 285-312]
Keywords: Cryptocurrencies
Criminalization in the Realm of Cryptocurrencies [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 29-68]
Keywords: Drug markets
The Unintended Consequences of Policing Strategies in Controlling Drug Trafficking [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 115-138]
Keywords: Drugs
Legitimizing Earnings Derived from Drug Smuggling in the National, Domestic, or Internal Law and International Documents [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 155-174]
Keywords: Economic corruption
The Problem of the Economic Corruption from the View of the Political-Security Concerns [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 35-58]
Keywords: Establishment of discipline
Legal Authorities of Police Use of Firearms (Comparative Study of Criminal Policy of Iran and Britain) [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 199-224]
Keywords: Evidence
The Exclusionary Rule (The Principle of Rejecting Evidences) in Law of the United States and Comparing with the Similar Sanctions in the Law of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 129-154]
Keywords: Financing
An Introduction to the Criminalization of the Financing of Terrorism, Nature and the Ways of the Commitment [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 247-274]
Keywords: Human rights
A Look at the Capacity of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Protection of Human Rights [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 165-192]
Keywords: Imprisonment
Incarceration and Deviation from the Legal Principles and Rules in the Light of the Circular-Centered Criminal Policy in the Judiciary [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 87-124]
Keywords: Indigenization
The Nature of the Indigenization: An Introduction to the Concept of Indigenization of Criminology [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 329-364]
Keywords: Loss of self-control
Loss of Self-Control Defense; the Legal Evolution of Killing Deriving from the Extreme Provocation of Emotions [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 219-254]
Keywords: Money laundering
The Necessity of the Criminalization of Money Laundering Separated from the Predicate Offence [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 173-200]
Keywords: Murder
The Comparison of the Legal Decision of the Death and Escape of Murderer and the Method of the Payment of Diya (Mulct) in the Former and Present Islamic Penal Code of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 55-74]
Keywords: Myanmar status
Myanmar Status in the Light of the Objective Territorial Principle and Jurisdiction over Crimes of Nationals of Non-ICC Member States [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 225-246]
Keywords: Nasal defect
Diyya of Nasal Bone Fractures in Fiqh and the Islamic Penal Code (2013); A Contrast between the Approach of Making Equals (Tandheer) and Defined Measures (Taqdeer) [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 195-224]
Keywords: Neurolaw (neuroscience)
The Review of the Concept “Perception” the Subject Matter of Article 91 of the Islamic Penal Code; The Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Law and Cognitive Neuroscience [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 3-28]
Keywords: Neuroscientific measurement techniques
The Privileges and Challenges of the Application of Cognitive Neuroscientific Evidence in the Criminal Trials [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 351-378]
Keywords: Plea bargaining
Studying the Provisions and Effects of Plea Bargaining in the International Criminal Court [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 91-118]
Keywords: Private interest criminal offenses
The Elements of Private Interest Criminal Offenses in the Penal Code of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 39-64]
Keywords: Pyramid
Being Formed Pyramid the Sources of the Criminal Law in Europe and Challenges Confronting It [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 175-198]
Keywords: Qisas (retaliation)
The Lapse of Qisas (Retaliation) without the Security for Debts of Indebted Murdered Person (an Islamic Jurisprudential Thought on Article 432 of the Islamic Penal Code of Iran) [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 35-54]
Keywords: Rawls
The Justification of the Punishment in the Justice System as Fairness [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 75-100]
Keywords: Self-defense
Putative Self-Defense [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 155-194]
Keywords: Sexual assault
Comparative Study of the Offense of Sexual Assault in the Legal System of Iran and International Criminal Law [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 3-34]
Keywords: Stigmatization
The Stigmatization of the Criminal Convicts and Accused the Criminal Security-Oriented Approach [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 65-90]
Keywords: Strategic Principles
Functions of Strategic Principles of the Criminal Procedure [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 125-154]
Keywords: The International Criminal Court (ICC)
The Complementarity Regime of the International Criminal Court and the Crime of Aggression [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 201-224]
Keywords: The International Criminal Court (ICC)
The Approach of the International Criminal Court to the Amnesty of the International Crimes from the View of the Double Jeopardy Rule [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 105-134]
Keywords: The Mortelle book
The Criminal Policy in the Mortelle Book [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 105-140]
Keywords: The Supreme Court of the United States
The Right of the Defendant’s Awareness of the Exculpatory Evidence in the Prosecutor’s Possession [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 139-164]
Keywords: The appeal proceedings
Reviewing the Basis and Nature of the Appeal Proceedings in the French and Iranian Criminal Legal System [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 141-170]
Keywords: The crime of money laundering
Preventing Money Laundering
in Monetary and Banking System [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 135-154]
Keywords: The criminal procedure
The Deviation from the Domestic Jurisdiction in the Process of the Criminal Procedure of Iran and France [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 195-220]
Keywords: The diyya for a women being half that for men
Review the Validity of the Equality of Diyya for Women and Men in the Contemporary Period the Historical-Sociological Study [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 171-194]
Keywords: The employment and recruitment of child soldiers
Keywords: The employment and recruitment of child soldiers, Armed forces, The active involvement of children, Non-international armed conflicts. [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 313-350]
Keywords: The hierarchical retaliation (qisas)
The Hierarchical Retaliation (Qisas) in Crimes except Murder [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 3-28]
Keywords: The liability for the payment of diyya
The Jurisprudential Approach to the Liability for the Payment of Diyya in Killing Resulted from the Non-Capital Sentencing [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 185-218]
Keywords: The political obstacles
The Political and Economic Obstacles of the Crime Social Prevention [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 85-114]
Keywords: The requirement of prosecution
The Opportunity of Penal Prosecution in the Criminal System of Iran with a Comparative Look [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 57-84]
Keywords: The requirements of legislation
The Equality of the Detachment of a Small Piece of a Bone with Its Fracture in Islamic Penal Code [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 305-328]
Keywords: Trials in absentia
Trials in Absentia at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon on the Basis of the International Human Rights [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 119-144]
Keywords: Witness
The Legislative Criminal Policy of Iran in the Witness Protection [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 81-104]
Keywords: legal entity
The Challenges of the Criminal Prosecution in the Light of the Conversions of the Legal Entities [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 255-284]
Loss of Self-Control Defense; the Legal Evolution of Killing Deriving from the Extreme Provocation of Emotions [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 219-254]
Killing by a minor or an insane person
Conditions for a Homicide Preventing Inheritance and Its Comparative Studying in the Islamic Sects [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 117-148]
Killing in order to enforce a law
Conditions for a Homicide Preventing Inheritance and Its Comparative Studying in the Islamic Sects [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 117-148]
Knowledge of being forged
A Research on the Offence of Utilizing
A Forged document [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 187-210]
Kāfir (infidel) victim
Analysis of the Fundamentals of the Extinction of Qiṣāṣ with Murderer’s Reconversion After the Crime (Note 2 of Article 310 of the Islamic Penal Code) [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 39-60]
Kāfir whose life and safety is protected by the law
Analysis of the Fundamentals of the Extinction of Qiṣāṣ with Murderer’s Reconversion After the Crime (Note 2 of Article 310 of the Islamic Penal Code) [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 39-60]
La De Minimis
The De Minimis; Understanding the Concept and Its Application in Criminal Law [(Articles in Press)]
The De Minimis; Understanding the Concept and Its Application in Criminal Law [(Articles in Press)]
Language Diversity
The Effect of Linguistic Diversity and the Right on Translation in the Realization of Fair Trial in International Criminal Proceedings [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 93-126]
Last defense
Accused’s Defense Rights; The Concept and Different Dimensions of the Accused’s Last Defense [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 99-122]
Law laundering
Requirements of Lawfare for the International Criminal Court and Its Paradigmatic Foundations [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 379-412]
Requirements of Lawfare for the International Criminal Court and Its Paradigmatic Foundations [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 379-412]
Legal System of Iran
Requirements for Establishing an Expanding Confiscation System in Light of the Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force and Its Reflection in the Legal System of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 179-222]
Legal disorder and the Laws of Networking
Being Formed Pyramid the Sources of the Criminal Law in Europe and Challenges Confronting It [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 175-198]
Legal element
Criminal Transferring
(Review on Article 516 of Iranian Penal Code) [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2010, Pages 3-14]
Legal order
Being Formed Pyramid the Sources of the Criminal Law in Europe and Challenges Confronting It [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 175-198]
Legal order
Criminal Transferring
(Review on Article 516 of Iranian Penal Code) [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2010, Pages 3-14]
Legal persons
The Possibility of the Enforcement of Judicial Public Interest Agreement in Relation to Legal Entities in the Law of Iran with a look to the Law of France [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 29-58]
Legal realism and pragmatism
Economic Analysis of Criminal Law with respect to Theories Appropriate to Legal Pragmatism [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 53-82]
The Principle of “Legitimacy of Offences and Punishments in Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 89-114]
Assessing the Validity of Illegal Drug Trade Crime Based on the Components of Legality, Legitimacy and Efficiency [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 289-322]
Analysis of the Legislator’s Criminal Policy
in (the Appended) Article 45 of the Addendum to the Anti-Narcotics (Narcoterrorism) Law [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 249-272]
The Problem of the Economic Corruption from the View of the Political-Security Concerns [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 35-58]
Legislative penal policy
The Impact of Political Events of the Decade of 1320 Solar Hijri on Iran’s Legislative Penal Policy [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 325-352]
Assessing the Validity of Illegal Drug Trade Crime Based on the Components of Legality, Legitimacy and Efficiency [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 289-322]
Legitimizing Earnings Derived from Drug Smuggling in the National, Domestic, or Internal Law and International Documents [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 155-174]
Lenient Institutions
Evaluation of Lenient Institutions in Iran’s Criminal Policy (By Emphasis on Extreme Expansion and Inefficient) [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 153-178]
The Transition from Peacemaking Criminology to Peacemaking Criminal Policy [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 257-288]
Lower Eyelid
Jurisprudential Analysis of Article 590 of the Islamic Penal Code in Determining the Amount of Eyelid Diya (Blood Money) [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 31-50]
Mahqun al-dam (literally
The Jurisprudential Approach to the Liability for the Payment of Diyya in Killing Resulted from the Non-Capital Sentencing [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 185-218]
Main punishments
Typology of Punishment of a Legal Person [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 101-128]
The Approach of the Conscience-Centerd about the Criminal Liability [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 55-80]
The Challenge of Justice and Efficiency in the Discourse of the Criminal Managerialism with Emphasis on the Law of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 29-54]
Marine environment
Crimes against the Coral Reefs from the Perspective of Law and Victimology [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 211-238]
Martens Clause
The Martens clause in International Criminal Law; the Nature and Interpretive Functions [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 123-156]
Mechanism of Prevention of Torture and Unjust, Non-human and Humiliating Punishments or Behaviors in the Protocol of 2002 A.D. [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 60-45]
Member States
The International Criminal Court on the Verge of Two Decades of Activity: Challenges and Achievements [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 83-110]
Mens rea
Determining the Concept and Position of the Natural and Probable Consequences of Acts-the Victim’s Death in the Penal Code of Iran with a Look to the Law of France [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 179-214]
Mens rea
The Place of Mens Rea and Criminal Responsibility in the Definition of Crime [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 33-62]
Mens rea element (the mental element in crime)
The Knowledge and Caution (Awareness) in Mens Rea Element for Murder in the Law of Iran and USA [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 3-32]
Mental measures
Constructing Mental Victimization: Its Factors and Effects from the Perspective of Interactional Criminology [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 347-381]
Mental victimization
Constructing Mental Victimization: Its Factors and Effects from the Perspective of Interactional Criminology [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 347-381]
The Challenges of the Criminal Prosecution in the Light of the Conversions of the Legal Entities [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 255-284]
Methods of settlements of disputes
A Review of Regulating Governmental Contracts in Commercial International Law [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 17-50]
Military forces and employees of the American CIA
The Prospect of Overcoming the Obstacles of
the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in the Situation of Afghanistan [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 179-202]
Putative Self-Defense [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 155-194]
Mitigation in sentencing
Incarceration and Deviation from the Legal Principles and Rules in the Light of the Circular-Centered Criminal Policy in the Judiciary [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 87-124]
The Law of the Political Crime on the Basis of Article 168 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 193-224]
Modern law
Being Formed Pyramid the Sources of the Criminal Law in Europe and Challenges Confronting It [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 175-198]
Moharebeh (Enmity against God)
Iran’s Criminal Policy against the Bombing and Its Reformation Strategies [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 387-416]
Principles Governing Merchantable Competition Law Considering the Respective Bill [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 169-186]
More Important Expediency
Assessing the Possibility of Delaying the Execution of Qiṣāṣ (Retaliation) or Hudud -E- Salib -E- Hayat (the Limit of Death Sentencing) If a New Crime Is Committed or the Previous Crime Is Committed by Authenticating [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 199-226]
Multi-structured traditional culture
Investigating the Evolution of Corporal Punishment Reactions in the Society of Afghanistan from the Perspective of Cultural Sociology [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 297-324]
Multiple crimes
The Analysis of the Multiple Crimes Committed by the Juveniles and Minors in Criminal Law of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 255-276]
The Knowledge and Caution (Awareness) in Mens Rea Element for Murder in the Law of Iran and USA [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 3-32]
Rethinking (Reassessment) the Condition of Equality of Religion in Retaliation
in the Light of Jurisprudential Opinions [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 209-228]
Murder and manslaughter
Conditions for a Homicide Preventing Inheritance and Its Comparative Studying in the Islamic Sects [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 117-148]
The Critical Approach to the Deprivation of Liberty of the Convicted to Qiṣāṣ in the Process of the Requesting for the Authorization [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 81-116]
Murderer’s conversion
Analysis of the Fundamentals of the Extinction of Qiṣāṣ with Murderer’s Reconversion After the Crime (Note 2 of Article 310 of the Islamic Penal Code) [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 39-60]
Murtad fitri
The Abolition (Nonsuit) of the Death Penalty of a Murtad Fitri in the Supposition of the Repentance and the Legality of Calling for the Repentance by the Judge [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 309-330]
Rethinking (Reassessment) the Condition of Equality of Religion in Retaliation
in the Light of Jurisprudential Opinions [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 209-228]
Narcotics and psychotropic substances
The Reasons for the Presence of Drugs and Psychoactive Substances in Prisons [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 125-152]
Nasal bone fracture
Diyya of Nasal Bone Fractures in Fiqh and the Islamic Penal Code (2013); A Contrast between the Approach of Making Equals (Tandheer) and Defined Measures (Taqdeer) [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 195-224]
Virtual Space filtering In the light of human rights documents [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 35-68]
The Privileges and Challenges of the Application of Cognitive Neuroscientific Evidence in the Criminal Trials [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 351-378]
The Privileges and Challenges of the Application of Cognitive Neuroscientific Evidence in the Criminal Trials [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 351-378]
Neuroscientific evidence
The Privileges and Challenges of the Application of Cognitive Neuroscientific Evidence in the Criminal Trials [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 351-378]
New types of delinquency
Movement of Returning to Punishment
in Criminal Policy of Western Countries:
Reasons and Manifestations [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 253-294]
Non-accurate crimes (not maḍbūṭ)
The Hierarchical Retaliation (Qisas) in Crimes except Murder [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 3-28]
Non-flagrant offences
Vehicular Searches by the Police: Conflicting of Police Procedures with Law-Based Investigations [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 353-397]
Non-healing (nonunion)
Diyya of Nasal Bone Fractures in Fiqh and the Islamic Penal Code (2013); A Contrast between the Approach of Making Equals (Tandheer) and Defined Measures (Taqdeer) [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 195-224]
Non-international armed conflicts
Keywords: The employment and recruitment of child soldiers, Armed forces, The active involvement of children, Non-international armed conflicts. [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 313-350]
Non-member government of the International Criminal Court
The Components of the Security Council Resolution Depend on the Interpretation of the Provisions of the Statute in the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Court; From Its Function to Its Achievements in the Situation of Sudan [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 189-208]
The Effectiveness of Tallinn Manual 2017
on the ICC’s Jurisdiction in Establishing International Peace and Cyber Security [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 269-296]
Normalization of drug use
The Cultural Criminology Approach to the Changing Patterns of Drug Use amongst the Young [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 83-106]
The Criminal Policy in the Mortelle Book [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 105-140]
Not Liable (non-Liable)
The Jurisprudential and Legal Study of the Jobar Maxim [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 327-346]
Aggravating Factors of Punishment in the Rulings of the International Criminal Court [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 169-198]
Obligation (duty)
Accused’s Defense Rights; The Concept and Different Dimensions of the Accused’s Last Defense [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 99-122]
Offences against property
Pathology of Illegal Possession Offence with Emphasis on Case Law [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 63-94]
On member states of the Rome Statute
Myanmar Status in the Light of the Objective Territorial Principle and Jurisdiction over Crimes of Nationals of Non-ICC Member States [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 225-246]
Online Threat to
The Criminology Approach to Online Threats to Girls [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 215-234]
Order for suspension of prosecution
The Elements of Private Interest Criminal Offenses in the Penal Code of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 39-64]
Organizational Competence
Differential Proceedings Crimes against of Chastity; From Proper Prosecution to Organizational Competence [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 147-168]
Organized crimes
The Necessity of the Criminalization of Money Laundering Separated from the Predicate Offence [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 173-200]
Organized crimes
The Role of the Identity Documents in the Prevention of Organized Crimes [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 177-202]
Owed victim
The Proofs of Qisas of the Debtor’s Murderer
by Relying on Unfamed View of Ṣāḥib al-Jawāhir and the Islamic Penal Code of 2013 [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 157-178]
Paragraph (b) of Article 224
Critical Evaluation of the Documents of the Death Sentence in Adultery with the Spouse of the Father (Paragraph (b) of Article 224 of
the Islamic Penal Code of 1392 (2013) [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 229-248]
Payment order
The Commission of Strengthening the Peace:
a New Achievement within the Limit of
the Structural Amendment of
the United Nations Organization [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 13-26]
The Reflection of Criminal Justice Theories in the Statutes of the International Criminal Court [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 89-122]
Peacemaking Criminology
The Transition from Peacemaking Criminology to Peacemaking Criminal Policy [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 257-288]
Penal code
The Analysis of Pyramid Schemes from the Perspective of Private Criminal Law and Comparing it with Network Marketing [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 27-52]
Defamation Crimes:
From Criminalization to Decriminalization and Civil Law Model [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 203-240]
Penalty removing
Judgement Removing in Islamic Criminal Law [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 147-168]
The Review of the Concept “Perception” the Subject Matter of Article 91 of the Islamic Penal Code; The Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Law and Cognitive Neuroscience [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 3-28]
Perception of Punishment
Behavioral Economics and the Issue of the Perception of Punishment: From Choice architecture to Critique of Behavioral paternalism [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 297-330]
Perceptual deterrence
Behavioral Economics and the Issue of the Perception of Punishment: From Choice architecture to Critique of Behavioral paternalism [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 297-330]
Permanent court of international criminal
The Effectiveness of Tallinn Manual 2017
on the ICC’s Jurisdiction in Establishing International Peace and Cyber Security [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 269-296]
Personal knowledge of the judge
Challenges of Proving a Rape (Sexual Assault) Case in the Iranian Criminal Process (Procedure) [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 3-34]
Personality record
The Impact of Preliminary Investigation Stage on the Personality Record [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 333-378]
The Fraud Offense in Ordering the Scientific Works [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 59-80]
Complainant Victims in Detrimental Crimes to Public Morality [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 55-88]
Policy making
Iran’s Combined Criminal Policy
Towards Environmental Delinquency [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 69-98]
Political event of 1320 Solar Hijri
The Impact of Political Events of the Decade of 1320 Solar Hijri on Iran’s Legislative Penal Policy [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 325-352]
Political-security concerns
The Problem of the Economic Corruption from the View of the Political-Security Concerns [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 35-58]
Population growth
Population Growth through Criminal Interventions; A Look to the Approval Process and the Challenges of the Implementation of the Youthful Population and Protection of the Family Law [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 285-312]
Positive ruling of betting
A Jurisprudential and Legal Analysis of the Evidence for the Rulings on Betting in Emerging Games Without Gambling Instruments [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 99-124]
Guarantees for Protection of the Right of Possession in Confiscation and Forfeiture of the Crime Instrument from the Criticism of the Expropriation Discourse to the Limitation on Eminent Domain [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 277-308]
Crime Prevention in Criminological Theories
and the Scope of Its Restrictions [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2010, Pages 15-38]
Postmodern criminology
Philosophical-Sociological Review of the Human Subject in Criminology with an Emphasis on the Combined Theory of Postmodern Criminology [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 271-304]
Pre-crime (precrime)
Pre-trial Criminalization of Terrorist Acts [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 123-160]
Pre-trial detention
Differential Pre-Trial Detention of Ill People in Criminal Procedure Regulations of Iran (1378 & 1392 [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 3-26]
Predicate offence
The Necessity of the Criminalization of Money Laundering Separated from the Predicate Offence [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 173-200]
Preliminary investigation
The Accused’s Right to
Benefit from the Assistance of Defending Attorney
in the Preliminary Investigations Stage [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2010, Pages 39-60]
Preliminary investigations
The Impact of Preliminary Investigation Stage on the Personality Record [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 333-378]
Preparing fraudulent scientific works
The Fraud Offense in Ordering the Scientific Works [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 59-80]
Legal-Criminological Approach to Intervention of Observers in Crime Prevention [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 3-30]
Preventing Money Laundering
in Monetary and Banking System [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 135-154]
The Role of the Identity Documents in the Prevention of Organized Crimes [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 177-202]
Risk Factors and Protective Strategies for Children in the Children and Young Persons Safety Act 1399 [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 275-304]
Mechanism of Prevention of Torture and Unjust, Non-human and Humiliating Punishments or Behaviors in the Protocol of 2002 A.D. [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 60-45]
Crime Prevention Relating to Cheques 1397 Amendments on Cheque’s Issuance Regulation [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 69-104]
Prevention of criminality
Iranian Governmental Institutions Actions
on Prevention of Criminality [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 61-88]
Prevention of criminology
The Pathology of Teaching
and Research of Criminology in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 23-40]
Prevention of recidivism
Prevention of Recidivism through Artificial Intelligence; Requirements and Limitations [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 33-54]
Previous record of solvency
The Examination of Arrest
in Finacial Convictions in Accordance with Islamic Jurisprudence and Legal Principles [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 115-132]
Principle of individualization
The Impact of Preliminary Investigation Stage on the Personality Record [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 333-378]
Virtual Space filtering In the light of human rights documents [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 35-68]
Proactive prevention
The Role of the Identity Documents in the Prevention of Organized Crimes [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 177-202]
The Problem of the Economic Corruption from the View of the Political-Security Concerns [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 35-58]
Challenges Facing the Additional Jurisdiction of the Criminal Court One [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 305-338]
Prohibition of Violence
The Transition from Peacemaking Criminology to Peacemaking Criminal Policy [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 257-288]
Prohibition of investigation
Complainant Victims in Detrimental Crimes to Public Morality [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 55-88]
Promissory note
The Commission of Strengthening the Peace:
a New Achievement within the Limit of
the Structural Amendment of
the United Nations Organization [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 13-26]
Promissory note
Necessity or Non-necessity of Sending a Declaration Concerning a Sight Bill
and a Demand Promissory Note [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 7-16]
Promissory note
The Concept and Status of Fault
in Compulsory and Contractual Civil Liability [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 51-94]
Proof in criminal cases
Doubt of the Islamic Legal Maxim of Dar’ (درأ) (Hudud Avoidance in the Case of Doubt) in the Law of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 3-28]
Prosecution authority
The Impact of Preliminary Investigation Stage on the Personality Record [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 333-378]
The Opportunity of Penal Prosecution in the Criminal System of Iran with a Comparative Look [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 57-84]
Protective programs
The Legislative Criminal Policy of Iran in the Witness Protection [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 81-104]
Loss of Self-Control Defense; the Legal Evolution of Killing Deriving from the Extreme Provocation of Emotions [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 219-254]
Psychological indicators
The Legal Status of Resorting to
Biological, Psychological and Social Indicators
in Distinguishing a Dangerous State [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 169-186]
Psychological pressure
Challenges Faced by the Avengers of Blood (Relatives of the Victim) in Exercising the Right to Qiṣāṣ [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 29-74]
Public Places
Iran’s Criminal Policy against the Bombing and Its Reformation Strategies [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 387-416]
Public aspect of crime
Feasibility of Proving the General Aspect of the Crime by Compurgation [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 75-98]
Public interest (benefit)
The Jurisprudential Approach to the Liability for the Payment of Diyya in Killing Resulted from the Non-Capital Sentencing [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 185-218]
Aggravating Factors of Punishment in the Rulings of the International Criminal Court [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 169-198]
The Principle of “Legitimacy of Offences and Punishments in Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 89-114]
The Basis for the Principle of
Individualization of Criminal Responsibility
within the Scope of Religions [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 127-146]
Objectives and Effective Factors in Punishing the Perpetrators of Crimes against Cultural Heritage in the Light of the Al-Mahdi Case and the Procedure of the International Criminal Court [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 261-294]
The Place of Mens Rea and Criminal Responsibility in the Definition of Crime [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 33-62]
Evaluation of Lenient Institutions in Iran’s Criminal Policy (By Emphasis on Extreme Expansion and Inefficient) [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 153-178]
To answer evil for evil;
A philosophical-ethical reflection on the retributionist justification of pain and suffering [(Articles in Press)]
Punishment of Salib Hayat (Punishments of Death Sentencing)
Assessing the Possibility of Delaying the Execution of Qiṣāṣ (Retaliation) or Hudud -E- Salib -E- Hayat (the Limit of Death Sentencing) If a New Crime Is Committed or the Previous Crime Is Committed by Authenticating [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 199-226]
Pyramid scheme activity
The Analysis of Pyramid Schemes from the Perspective of Private Criminal Law and Comparing it with Network Marketing [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 27-52]
Pyramid schemes
The Analysis of Pyramid Schemes from the Perspective of Private Criminal Law and Comparing it with Network Marketing [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 27-52]
Qassāma (Arabic: اَلْقَسّامَة
Feasibility of Proving the General Aspect of the Crime by Compurgation [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 75-98]
Qiṣāṣ (Retaliation)
Assessing the Possibility of Delaying the Execution of Qiṣāṣ (Retaliation) or Hudud -E- Salib -E- Hayat (the Limit of Death Sentencing) If a New Crime Is Committed or the Previous Crime Is Committed by Authenticating [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 199-226]
Qiṣāṣ (Retaliation)
The Proofs of Qisas of the Debtor’s Murderer
by Relying on Unfamed View of Ṣāḥib al-Jawāhir and the Islamic Penal Code of 2013 [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 157-178]
Quasi-intentional crime
Criminal Liability for Transmission of
Corona Virus in the Iranian Penal System
(With Emphasis on the Risk to Life) [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 161-188]
A Comparative Study of Jurisprudential and Legal Documents (Evidence) of the Sentence
for the Death Penalty of an Adulterer
Who Committed Adultery with Maḥrams (incest),
the Subject of Article 224 of the Islamic Penal Code [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 331-360]
Rape (Sexual assault)
Challenges of Proving a Rape (Sexual Assault) Case in the Iranian Criminal Process (Procedure) [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 3-34]
Rational choice
Criminal Rationality”; Restrictions and Challenges (With Emphasis on Violent Crimes) [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 239-270]
Reactive approaches
A Dual Reactive Response Against Tax Crime in Iranian and French Law [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 3-38]
Reactive prevention
The Role of the Identity Documents in the Prevention of Organized Crimes [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 177-202]
Putative Self-Defense [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 155-194]
Reasonable possibility of doubt
Doubt of the Islamic Legal Maxim of Dar’ (درأ) (Hudud Avoidance in the Case of Doubt) in the Law of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 3-28]
Social Justice and Criminal Justice: Division or Connection [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 25-54]
Reduce public trust
Constructing Mental Victimization: Its Factors and Effects from the Perspective of Interactional Criminology [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 347-381]
Reducing crime opportunities
The Situational Prevention Strategies of Cybercrime [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 147-176]
Reducing drug use
The Unintended Consequences of Policing Strategies in Controlling Drug Trafficking [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 115-138]
Reducing the volume of punishment
The Criminological Survey of Article 38 of the Islamic Penal Code of Iran (1392) [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 107-126]
Reformative and training measures
A New Approach in England Law towards Children’s Crimes [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 123-152]
Relative Jurisdiction
Challenges Facing the Additional Jurisdiction of the Criminal Court One [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 305-338]
Repeat crimes
Punishment for Murder in the Unchaste Repeat Crimes with Emphasizing on Takmelat al-Minhaj (تکملة المنهاج) [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 235-254]
The Abolition (Nonsuit) of the Death Penalty of a Murtad Fitri in the Supposition of the Repentance and the Legality of Calling for the Repentance by the Judge [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 309-330]
Estatabeh in Imam Ali's criminal policy [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 61-92]
Repentance Achievement
The Quality of Repentance Obtaining by a Case Study of Court Rulings [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 323-350]
Repressive penal movements
Movement of Returning to Punishment
in Criminal Policy of Western Countries:
Reasons and Manifestations [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 253-294]
Research of criminology
The Pathology of Teaching
and Research of Criminology in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 23-40]
Iran’s Combined Criminal Policy
Towards Environmental Delinquency [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 69-98]
The Criminal Policy in the Mortelle Book [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 105-140]
Restorative justice
Defendant’s Legal Rights in Criminal Prosecution Alternatives [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 161-188]
Crime Prevention in Criminological Theories
and the Scope of Its Restrictions [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2010, Pages 15-38]
Rethinking (Reassessment) the Condition of Equality of Religion in Retaliation
in the Light of Jurisprudential Opinions [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 209-228]
Retributive punishment
Conditional Interpretation of Life Imprisonment in Compelling Conditions for Retribution: Nature and Consequences [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 157-196]
The Justification of the Punishment in the Justice System as Fairness [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 75-100]
Accused’s Defense Rights; The Concept and Different Dimensions of the Accused’s Last Defense [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 99-122]
Accepting the Right to Victim Empowerment: Bases and Demonstrations [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 155-184]
Right of compromise
Judgement Removing in Islamic Criminal Law [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 147-168]
Right of reconciliation
Judgement Removing in Islamic Criminal Law [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 147-168]
Right to Translation
The Effect of Linguistic Diversity and the Right on Translation in the Realization of Fair Trial in International Criminal Proceedings [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 93-126]
Right to freedom of expression
Defamation Crimes:
From Criminalization to Decriminalization and Civil Law Model [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 203-240]
Right to qiṣāṣ (Arabic: قِصَاص
Challenges Faced by the Avengers of Blood (Relatives of the Victim) in Exercising the Right to Qiṣāṣ [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 29-74]
Rights of the accused
Functions of Strategic Principles of the Criminal Procedure [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 125-154]
Rights of the victim
Functions of Strategic Principles of the Criminal Procedure [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 125-154]
Risk-Oriented Criminal Law in the Realm of Terrorist Crimes [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 197-228]
Risk-oriented crime policy
The Stigmatization of the Criminal Convicts and Accused the Criminal Security-Oriented Approach [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 65-90]
Risky situation
Risk Factors and Protective Strategies for Children in the Children and Young Persons Safety Act 1399 [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 275-304]
Safety (protective) measures
Risk Factors and Protective Strategies for Children in the Children and Young Persons Safety Act 1399 [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 275-304]
The Exclusionary Rule (The Principle of Rejecting Evidences) in Law of the United States and Comparing with the Similar Sanctions in the Law of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 129-154]
Criminal Transferring
(Review on Article 516 of Iranian Penal Code) [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2010, Pages 3-14]
Scientific institutions
Iranian Governmental Institutions Actions
on Prevention of Criminality [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 61-88]
Vehicular Searches by the Police: Conflicting of Police Procedures with Law-Based Investigations [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 353-397]
Pre-trial Criminalization of Terrorist Acts [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 123-160]
Security Council resolution
The Components of the Security Council Resolution Depend on the Interpretation of the Provisions of the Statute in the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Court; From Its Function to Its Achievements in the Situation of Sudan [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 189-208]
Security inclined
Movement of Returning to Punishment
in Criminal Policy of Western Countries:
Reasons and Manifestations [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 253-294]
Security measures
The Analysis of the Multiple Crimes Committed by the Juveniles and Minors in Criminal Law of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 255-276]
Security of victims
Challenges Faced by the Avengers of Blood (Relatives of the Victim) in Exercising the Right to Qiṣāṣ [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 29-74]
Serious breaches
War Crimes and Its Interaction with Crimes against Humanity and Genocide [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 67-98]
Sexual Crimes
Differential Proceedings Crimes against of Chastity; From Proper Prosecution to Organizational Competence [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 147-168]
Sexual offences
A Comparative Study of Jurisprudential and Legal Documents (Evidence) of the Sentence
for the Death Penalty of an Adulterer
Who Committed Adultery with Maḥrams (incest),
the Subject of Article 224 of the Islamic Penal Code [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 331-360]
Sexual offenses
A Comparative Study of Aggravating Punishment Factors in Sexual Offences Against Juvenile and Adolescents in the Criminal Law of Iran, France and Canada [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 223-264]
Sheltered man
Investigation of the Contract of Shelter in Support of the Life of the Infidel Holding the Contract (Homicide) from the Perspective of Jurisprudence and Article 310 of the Islamic Penal Code [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 99-128]
Investigation of the Contract of Shelter in Support of the Life of the Infidel Holding the Contract (Homicide) from the Perspective of Jurisprudence and Article 310 of the Islamic Penal Code [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 99-128]
Similarity (equality)
The Hierarchical Retaliation (Qisas) in Crimes except Murder [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 3-28]
The Basis for the Principle of
Individualization of Criminal Responsibility
within the Scope of Religions [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 127-146]
Situation of Afghanistan
The Prospect of Overcoming the Obstacles of
the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in the Situation of Afghanistan [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 179-202]
Crime Prevention Relating to Cheques 1397 Amendments on Cheque’s Issuance Regulation [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 69-104]
Situational crime prevention
Crime Prevention Relating to Cheques 1397 Amendments on Cheque’s Issuance Regulation [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 69-104]
Situational prevention strategies of crime
The Situational Prevention Strategies of Cybercrime [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 147-176]
Smuggling of currency
Feasibility of Smuggling of Goods and Foreign Currency regarding Cryptocurrency Mining Devices and Cryptocurrency Exchanges: Legal Issues and Practical Procedures [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 125-156]
Smuggling of goods
Feasibility of Smuggling of Goods and Foreign Currency regarding Cryptocurrency Mining Devices and Cryptocurrency Exchanges: Legal Issues and Practical Procedures [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 125-156]
Social Justice
The Transition from Peacemaking Criminology to Peacemaking Criminal Policy [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 257-288]
Social Justice
Social Justice and Criminal Justice: Division or Connection [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 25-54]
Social Solidarity
Legal-Criminological Approach to Intervention of Observers in Crime Prevention [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 3-30]
Social cohesion
A Sociological Study on the Evolutions of
the Death Penalty in Afghanistan [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 241-268]
Social exclusion
Social Justice and Criminal Justice: Division or Connection [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 25-54]
Social indicators
The Legal Status of Resorting to
Biological, Psychological and Social Indicators
in Distinguishing a Dangerous State [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 169-186]
Social isolation
Constructing Mental Victimization: Its Factors and Effects from the Perspective of Interactional Criminology [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 347-381]
Social structure
Philosophical-Sociological Review of the Human Subject in Criminology with an Emphasis on the Combined Theory of Postmodern Criminology [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 271-304]
Social transformation
Review the Validity of the Equality of Diyya for Women and Men in the Contemporary Period the Historical-Sociological Study [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 171-194]
Societal crime prevention
Iranian Governmental Institutions Actions
on Prevention of Criminality [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 61-88]
Sociology of culture
Investigating the Evolution of Corporal Punishment Reactions in the Society of Afghanistan from the Perspective of Cultural Sociology [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 297-324]
Solution to stop (remove) conflict
The Conflict of Evidences Proving the Crimes Deserving (Causing) Qisas, Diya and Ta’zir; Cases and Strategies [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 3-34]
Solvency (or can afford to indemnify)
Examination and Analysis of the Article 7 of Tort Law [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 3-22]
The Martens clause in International Criminal Law; the Nature and Interpretive Functions [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 123-156]
Special Court for Sierra Leone
Testifying Through Video Conferencing and The Procedure of International Criminal Tribunals in Its Acceptance [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 189-210]
Special Supervisor
Legal-Criminological Approach to Intervention of Observers in Crime Prevention [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 3-30]
Special panels for East Timor
Studying the Provisions and Effects of Plea Bargaining in the International Criminal Court [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 91-118]
Special tribunal for Lebanon
Trials in Absentia at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon on the Basis of the International Human Rights [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 119-144]
Speculative and jurisprudential basis
Jurisprudential Principles of Legitimacy of Mental Rights [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 61-96]
Stable peace
The Examination and Analysis of the Guarantees of Economic and Social Law of International (Welfare Law) in Municipal Law Systems [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 27-46]
Requirements of Lawfare for the International Criminal Court and Its Paradigmatic Foundations [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 379-412]
The Right to Compensation and Restitution for the Victim and the Challenges Facing It in the International Criminal Court [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 129-160]
Delegating of Punishment to Legislator from the Perspective of Psychological Teachings [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 265-296]
Sub-committee for prevention of torture
Mechanism of Prevention of Torture and Unjust, Non-human and Humiliating Punishments or Behaviors in the Protocol of 2002 A.D. [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 60-45]
Subsidiary (consequential) punishment
Subsidiary Punishments in Murder [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 229-260]
Substitute mother
The Nature of a Contract for Utilization
from a Renting Womb [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 149-168]
Substitute womb
The Nature of a Contract for Utilization
from a Renting Womb [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 149-168]
Substitution in pregnancy
The Nature of a Contract for Utilization
from a Renting Womb [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 149-168]
Substitution in producing child
Jurisprudential Study of
Using an Alternative Womb [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006]
The Comparison of the Legal Decision of the Death and Escape of Murderer and the Method of the Payment of Diya (Mulct) in the Former and Present Islamic Penal Code of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 55-74]
Criminological Approach to Suicide Terrorism [(Articles in Press)]
Suicide Terrorism
Criminological Approach to Suicide Terrorism [(Articles in Press)]
Supervised Transport and Delivery
Countries’ Police Cooperation to Improve the Effectiveness of the Fight against Crime in the Light of International Documents [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 111-146]
Reviewing the Basis and Nature of the Appeal Proceedings in the French and Iranian Criminal Legal System [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 141-170]
Supplementary punishments
Typology of Punishment of a Legal Person [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 101-128]
Supplying fraudulent scientific works
The Fraud Offense in Ordering the Scientific Works [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 59-80]
Symbols of returning to punishment
Movement of Returning to Punishment
in Criminal Policy of Western Countries:
Reasons and Manifestations [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 253-294]
Computer Fraud; A Reflection on the Elements of Crime and Its Effects [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 51-82]
Taazir (Punishment for crime not measuring up to the strict requirements of hadd punishments)
The Crime of Apostasy (Irtidād) in the Islamic Traditions (Ahadith) [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 3-24]
Taking care of
Examination and Analysis of the Article 7 of Tort Law [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 3-22]
Taking responsibility
Legal Authorities of Police Use of Firearms (Comparative Study of Criminal Policy of Iran and Britain) [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 199-224]
Tax evasion
A Dual Reactive Response Against Tax Crime in Iranian and French Law [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 3-38]
Technology of power
A Sociological Study on the Evolutions of
the Death Penalty in Afghanistan [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 241-268]
Termination of international immunity
The Components of the Security Council Resolution Depend on the Interpretation of the Provisions of the Statute in the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Court; From Its Function to Its Achievements in the Situation of Sudan [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 189-208]
Terrorism and Penal Code (Criminal Code) [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 55-86]
Pre-trial Criminalization of Terrorist Acts [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 123-160]
An Introduction to the Criminalization of the Financing of Terrorism, Nature and the Ways of the Commitment [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 247-274]
Risk-Oriented Criminal Law in the Realm of Terrorist Crimes [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 197-228]
Criminological Approach to Suicide Terrorism [(Articles in Press)]
Subsidiary Punishments in Murder [Volume 19, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 229-260]
The 5th Five-Year Development Plan (5th FYDP)
The Evalution of Decriminalization Policy of the 5th Five-Year Development Plan (5th FYDP) in the Islamic Penal Code of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 87-118]
The Central Bank of Iran
Preventing Money Laundering
in Monetary and Banking System [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 135-154]
The Electronic Banking (e-banking)
Preventing Money Laundering
in Monetary and Banking System [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 135-154]
The Exclusionary Rule
The Exclusionary Rule (The Principle of Rejecting Evidences) in Law of the United States and Comparing with the Similar Sanctions in the Law of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 129-154]
The International Court of Justice (ICJ)
International Civil Liability for the Committed Crimes in Myanmar [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 117-148]
The International Criminal Court (ICC)
Studying the Provisions and Effects of Plea Bargaining in the International Criminal Court [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 91-118]
The International Criminal Court (ICC)
The Right of the Defendant’s Awareness of the Exculpatory Evidence in the Prosecutor’s Possession [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 139-164]
The International Criminal Court (ICC)
A Look at the Capacity of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Protection of Human Rights [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 165-192]
The International Criminal Court (ICC)
Myanmar Status in the Light of the Objective Territorial Principle and Jurisdiction over Crimes of Nationals of Non-ICC Member States [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 225-246]
The International Criminal Court (ICC)
International Civil Liability for the Committed Crimes in Myanmar [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 117-148]
The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
The Right of the Defendant’s Awareness of the Exculpatory Evidence in the Prosecutor’s Possession [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 139-164]
The Kampala conference
The Complementarity Regime of the International Criminal Court and the Crime of Aggression [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 201-224]
The Neighbors
The Content Analysis of “The Neighbors” in the Area of the Juvenile Crime in the Light of the Criminological Findings [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 149-178]
The Supreme Court of Iran
Functions of Strategic Principles of the Criminal Procedure [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 125-154]
The United Nations
The Examination and Analysis of the Guarantees of Economic and Social Law of International (Welfare Law) in Municipal Law Systems [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 27-46]
The United Nations Security Council
The Complementarity Regime of the International Criminal Court and the Crime of Aggression [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 201-224]
The Youthful Population and Protection of the Family Law
Population Growth through Criminal Interventions; A Look to the Approval Process and the Challenges of the Implementation of the Youthful Population and Protection of the Family Law [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 285-312]
The active involvement of children
Keywords: The employment and recruitment of child soldiers, Armed forces, The active involvement of children, Non-international armed conflicts. [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 313-350]
The authorization
The Critical Approach to the Deprivation of Liberty of the Convicted to Qiṣāṣ in the Process of the Requesting for the Authorization [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 81-116]
The cases of conflict
The Conflict of Evidences Proving the Crimes Deserving (Causing) Qisas, Diya and Ta’zir; Cases and Strategies [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 3-34]
The commission of strengthening the peace
The Examination and Analysis of the Guarantees of Economic and Social Law of International (Welfare Law) in Municipal Law Systems [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 27-46]
The components of the empowerment
Accepting the Right to Victim Empowerment: Bases and Demonstrations [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 155-184]
The conscience liability
The Approach of the Conscience-Centerd about the Criminal Liability [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 55-80]
The contract of shelter
Investigation of the Contract of Shelter in Support of the Life of the Infidel Holding the Contract (Homicide) from the Perspective of Jurisprudence and Article 310 of the Islamic Penal Code [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 99-128]
The costs and benefits of crime
The Necessity of the Criminalization of Money Laundering Separated from the Predicate Offence [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 173-200]
The creative role of confession
The Positive Values of Confession in Crimes from the Theoretical Obligations to the Legal Evolutions [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 119-144]
The criminal justice
The Opportunity of Penal Prosecution in the Criminal System of Iran with a Comparative Look [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 57-84]
The criminal justice system
The Legislative Criminal Policy of Iran in the Witness Protection [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 81-104]
The criminal liability
The Approach of the Conscience-Centerd about the Criminal Liability [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 55-80]
The demonstrations of the right to empowerment
Accepting the Right to Victim Empowerment: Bases and Demonstrations [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 155-184]
The differential criminal policy
The Legislative Criminal Policy of Iran in the Witness Protection [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 81-104]
The domestic jurisdiction
The Deviation from the Domestic Jurisdiction in the Process of the Criminal Procedure of Iran and France [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 195-220]
The double jeopardy rule
The Approach of the International Criminal Court to the Amnesty of the International Crimes from the View of the Double Jeopardy Rule [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 105-134]
The drug and Psychedelic drugs
Incarceration and Deviation from the Legal Principles and Rules in the Light of the Circular-Centered Criminal Policy in the Judiciary [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 87-124]
The economic analysis
The Political and Economic Obstacles of the Crime Social Prevention [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 85-114]
The economic obstacles
The Political and Economic Obstacles of the Crime Social Prevention [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 85-114]
The equivalence in ruling
The Equality of the Detachment of a Small Piece of a Bone with Its Fracture in Islamic Penal Code [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 305-328]
The equivalence in subject matter
The Equality of the Detachment of a Small Piece of a Bone with Its Fracture in Islamic Penal Code [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 305-328]
The escaped murderer (a fugitive)
The Comparison of the Legal Decision of the Death and Escape of Murderer and the Method of the Payment of Diya (Mulct) in the Former and Present Islamic Penal Code of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 55-74]
The exceptional criminal procedure
The Legislative Criminal Policy of Iran in the Witness Protection [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 81-104]
The exclusion of criminal responsibility
Putative Self-Defense [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 155-194]
The exculpatory evidence
The Right of the Defendant’s Awareness of the Exculpatory Evidence in the Prosecutor’s Possession [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 139-164]
The execution of Qiṣāṣ
The Critical Approach to the Deprivation of Liberty of the Convicted to Qiṣāṣ in the Process of the Requesting for the Authorization [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 81-116]
The fair procedure
Trials in Absentia at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon on the Basis of the International Human Rights [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 119-144]
The grand ayatollah Khuei
Punishment for Murder in the Unchaste Repeat Crimes with Emphasizing on Takmelat al-Minhaj (تکملة المنهاج) [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 235-254]
The grounded theory
The Problem of the Economic Corruption from the View of the Political-Security Concerns [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 35-58]
The historicity of halving diyya
Review the Validity of the Equality of Diyya for Women and Men in the Contemporary Period the Historical-Sociological Study [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 171-194]
The instrument of crime
Guarantees for Protection of the Right of Possession in Confiscation and Forfeiture of the Crime Instrument from the Criticism of the Expropriation Discourse to the Limitation on Eminent Domain [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 277-308]
The international criminal tribunal for Rwanda
Studying the Provisions and Effects of Plea Bargaining in the International Criminal Court [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 91-118]
The international criminal tribunal for Yugoslavia
Studying the Provisions and Effects of Plea Bargaining in the International Criminal Court [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 91-118]
The international human rights
Trials in Absentia at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon on the Basis of the International Human Rights [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 119-144]
The juvenile crime
The Content Analysis of “The Neighbors” in the Area of the Juvenile Crime in the Light of the Criminological Findings [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 149-178]
The lapse of Qisas
The Lapse of Qisas (Retaliation) without the Security for Debts of Indebted Murdered Person (an Islamic Jurisprudential Thought on Article 432 of the Islamic Penal Code of Iran) [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 35-54]
The law of France
The Possibility of the Enforcement of Judicial Public Interest Agreement in Relation to Legal Entities in the Law of Iran with a look to the Law of France [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 29-58]
The law of Iran
The Possibility of the Enforcement of Judicial Public Interest Agreement in Relation to Legal Entities in the Law of Iran with a look to the Law of France [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 29-58]
The law of Iran
Comparative Study of the Offense of Sexual Assault in the Legal System of Iran and International Criminal Law [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 3-34]
The law of the political crime
The Law of the Political Crime on the Basis of Article 168 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 193-224]
The law relating to juvenile crimes
Iranian Criminal Laws Relating to Juvenile Delinquency: Past and Present [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 41-60]
The legality of the prosecution
The Opportunity of Penal Prosecution in the Criminal System of Iran with a Comparative Look [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 57-84]
The maḍbūṭ crimes
The Hierarchical Retaliation (Qisas) in Crimes except Murder [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 3-28]
The natural and probable consequences of behavior-victim’s death (The behavior likely leading to victim’s death)
Determining the Concept and Position of the Natural and Probable Consequences of Acts-the Victim’s Death in the Penal Code of Iran with a Look to the Law of France [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 179-214]
The necessity of information
The Legal-Criminology Criteria of Situational Crime Prevention [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 145-180]
The objective territoriality
Myanmar Status in the Light of the Objective Territorial Principle and Jurisdiction over Crimes of Nationals of Non-ICC Member States [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 225-246]
The obligation of precaution
The Jurisprudential Approach to the Liability for the Payment of Diyya in Killing Resulted from the Non-Capital Sentencing [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 185-218]
The philosophy of science
The Nature of the Indigenization: An Introduction to the Concept of Indigenization of Criminology [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 329-364]
The political offender
The Law of the Political Crime on the Basis of Article 168 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 193-224]
The politicization of the concept of the crime prevention
The Political and Economic Obstacles of the Crime Social Prevention [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 85-114]
The position of women in Arab community
Review the Validity of the Equality of Diyya for Women and Men in the Contemporary Period the Historical-Sociological Study [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 171-194]
The positive role of confession
The Positive Values of Confession in Crimes from the Theoretical Obligations to the Legal Evolutions [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 119-144]
The positive value of confession
The Positive Values of Confession in Crimes from the Theoretical Obligations to the Legal Evolutions [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 119-144]
The postcolonial studies and social context
The Nature of the Indigenization: An Introduction to the Concept of Indigenization of Criminology [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 329-364]
The prediction of domestic violence against women
The Prediction of Domestic Violence against Women and Adopted Strategies according to Its Basis [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 3-38]
The presumption of innocence
The Stigmatization of the Criminal Convicts and Accused the Criminal Security-Oriented Approach [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 65-90]
The prevention of crime
The Criminology Approach to Online Threats to Girls [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 215-234]
The prevention of domestic violence against women
The Prediction of Domestic Violence against Women and Adopted Strategies according to Its Basis [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 3-38]
The principle of dar’
Doubt of the Islamic Legal Maxim of Dar’ (درأ) (Hudud Avoidance in the Case of Doubt) in the Law of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 3-28]
The principle of individualization of criminal liability
The Basis for the Principle of
Individualization of Criminal Responsibility
within the Scope of Religions [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 127-146]
The principle of innocent
The Necessity of the Criminalization of Money Laundering Separated from the Predicate Offence [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 173-200]
The principle of legality
Incarceration and Deviation from the Legal Principles and Rules in the Light of the Circular-Centered Criminal Policy in the Judiciary [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 87-124]
The principle of legitimacy
The Principle of “Legitimacy of Offences and Punishments in Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 89-114]
The public order and security
The Deviation from the Domestic Jurisdiction in the Process of the Criminal Procedure of Iran and France [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 195-220]
The putative of self-defense
Putative Self-Defense [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 155-194]
The quality of being patternable
Delegating of Punishment to Legislator from the Perspective of Psychological Teachings [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 265-296]
The responsibility based on the approach of the degree of fault
The Proportion of Liability of Drivers to the Degree of the Their Faults [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 33-56]
The responsibility based on the equitable approach
The Proportion of Liability of Drivers to the Degree of the Their Faults [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 33-56]
The right of appeal
Reviewing the Basis and Nature of the Appeal Proceedings in the French and Iranian Criminal Legal System [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 141-170]
The right of the defendant’s awareness
The Right of the Defendant’s Awareness of the Exculpatory Evidence in the Prosecutor’s Possession [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 139-164]
The right to empowerment
Accepting the Right to Victim Empowerment: Bases and Demonstrations [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 155-184]
The rise in crime
The Unintended Consequences of Policing Strategies in Controlling Drug Trafficking [Volume 14, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 115-138]
The risk factors
Risk Factors and Protective Strategies for Children in the Children and Young Persons Safety Act 1399 [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 275-304]
The rule of postponement of the temporal being
An Analysis on the Article 873 of Civil Law [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 97-104]
The rule of postponement of the temporal being
A Study on the Civil Nature of Blood Money [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 153-176]
The rules of criminal procedure
The Exclusionary Rule (The Principle of Rejecting Evidences) in Law of the United States and Comparing with the Similar Sanctions in the Law of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 129-154]
The sociology of knowledge
The Nature of the Indigenization: An Introduction to the Concept of Indigenization of Criminology [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 329-364]
The statute of ICC
War Crimes and Its Interaction with Crimes against Humanity and Genocide [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 67-98]
The supreme leader
The Critical Approach to the Deprivation of Liberty of the Convicted to Qiṣāṣ in the Process of the Requesting for the Authorization [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 81-116]
The theoretical bases of the right to empowerment
Accepting the Right to Victim Empowerment: Bases and Demonstrations [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 155-184]
The third instance
Reviewing the Basis and Nature of the Appeal Proceedings in the French and Iranian Criminal Legal System [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 141-170]
The truth commission
The Approach of the International Criminal Court to the Amnesty of the International Crimes from the View of the Double Jeopardy Rule [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2015, Pages 105-134]
The welfare right
Principles, Scope, and Juridical/Legal Effects of “the Welfare Right” of the Prisoners with “Hard-Treatment Illnesses” [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 29-66]
Theoretical Criminology
Integrated Criminology: Narrating Challenges, Choosing Strategies [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 351-386]
Theoretical Criminology
The Criminological Survey of Article 38 of the Islamic Penal Code of Iran (1392) [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 107-126]
Theoretical Criminology
The Content Analysis of “The Neighbors” in the Area of the Juvenile Crime in the Light of the Criminological Findings [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 149-178]
Tolerance of punishment
Differential Pre-Trial Detention of Ill People in Criminal Procedure Regulations of Iran (1378 & 1392 [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 3-26]
Defamation Crimes:
From Criminalization to Decriminalization and Civil Law Model [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 203-240]
Mechanism of Prevention of Torture and Unjust, Non-human and Humiliating Punishments or Behaviors in the Protocol of 2002 A.D. [Volume 2, Issue 19, 2006, Pages 60-45]
The Criminal Policy in the Mortelle Book [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 105-140]
Criminalization in the Realm of Cryptocurrencies [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 29-68]
Transferring of punishment
Criminal Transferring
(Review on Article 516 of Iranian Penal Code) [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2010, Pages 3-14]
The Development Environments of Exercising Criminal Laws in Territory [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 181-206]
Criminal Liability for Transmission of
Corona Virus in the Iranian Penal System
(With Emphasis on the Risk to Life) [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 161-188]
Tribal and religious culture
Investigating the Evolution of Corporal Punishment Reactions in the Society of Afghanistan from the Perspective of Cultural Sociology [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 297-324]
Tributary (dhimmi) infidel
Rethinking (Reassessment) the Condition of Equality of Religion in Retaliation
in the Light of Jurisprudential Opinions [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 209-228]
Type of debt
The Examination of Arrest
in Finacial Convictions in Accordance with Islamic Jurisprudence and Legal Principles [Volume 3, Issue 20, 2005, Pages 115-132]
UN Human Right Council
International Civil Liability for the Committed Crimes in Myanmar [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 117-148]
Punishment for Murder in the Unchaste Repeat Crimes with Emphasizing on Takmelat al-Minhaj (تکملة المنهاج) [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 235-254]
Unintentional (accidental) crime
Criminal Liability for Transmission of
Corona Virus in the Iranian Penal System
(With Emphasis on the Risk to Life) [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 161-188]
Universal Jurisdiction
International Civil Liability for the Committed Crimes in Myanmar [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 117-148]
Unlawful aggression
The Legal-Criminology Criteria of Situational Crime Prevention [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 145-180]
Unlawful homicide
Conditions for a Homicide Preventing Inheritance and Its Comparative Studying in the Islamic Sects [Volume 4, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 117-148]
Untreatable diseases
Principles, Scope, and Juridical/Legal Effects of “the Welfare Right” of the Prisoners with “Hard-Treatment Illnesses” [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 29-66]
Upper Eyelid
Jurisprudential Analysis of Article 590 of the Islamic Penal Code in Determining the Amount of Eyelid Diya (Blood Money) [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 31-50]
The Justification of the Punishment in the Justice System as Fairness [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 75-100]
Utilization and application
A Research on the Offence of Utilizing
A Forged document [Volume 1, Issue 15, 2004, Pages 187-210]
The Decriminalization of Vagrancy and Begging Crimes (Offenses) [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 127-146]
Vehicular Searches by the Police: Conflicting of Police Procedures with Law-Based Investigations [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 353-397]
Verdict of the Court
The Quality of Repentance Obtaining by a Case Study of Court Rulings [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 323-350]
Verification of Identity in property transactions
The Necessity of the Criminalization of Money Laundering Separated from the Predicate Offence [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 173-200]
The Criminological Survey of Article 38 of the Islamic Penal Code of Iran (1392) [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 107-126]
Victims of murder
Challenges Faced by the Avengers of Blood (Relatives of the Victim) in Exercising the Right to Qiṣāṣ [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 29-74]
Testifying Through Video Conferencing and The Procedure of International Criminal Tribunals in Its Acceptance [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 189-210]
Loss of Self-Control Defense; the Legal Evolution of Killing Deriving from the Extreme Provocation of Emotions [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 219-254]
To answer evil for evil;
A philosophical-ethical reflection on the retributionist justification of pain and suffering [(Articles in Press)]
Violence against women in the laws of Iran and the United States
The Prediction of Domestic Violence against Women and Adopted Strategies according to Its Basis [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 3-38]
Violent crimes
Criminal Rationality”; Restrictions and Challenges (With Emphasis on Violent Crimes) [Volume 16, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 239-270]
Voluntary dismissal
The Elements of Private Interest Criminal Offenses in the Penal Code of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 39-64]
Wager (Arabic: رِهَان)
A Jurisprudential and Legal Analysis of the Evidence for the Rulings on Betting in Emerging Games Without Gambling Instruments [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 99-124]
A Jurisprudential and Legal Analysis of the Evidence for the Rulings on Betting in Emerging Games Without Gambling Instruments [Volume 20, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 99-124]
Terrorism and Penal Code (Criminal Code) [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 55-86]
War crimes
The Prohibition on the Use of Biological Weapons from the Perspective of International Criminal Law and Islam [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 3-32]
War crimes
The Prospect of Overcoming the Obstacles of
the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in the Situation of Afghanistan [Volume 19, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 179-202]
White-collar crime
A Dual Reactive Response Against Tax Crime in Iranian and French Law [Volume 20, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 3-38]
Disclosure of Intermediary Identity; A Manifestation of the Development of a Fair Proceeding in the International Criminal Court [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 227-256]
The International Criminal Court on the Verge of Two Decades of Activity: Challenges and Achievements [Volume 16, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 83-110]
Young people (youths)
The Cultural Criminology Approach to the Changing Patterns of Drug Use amongst the Young [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 83-106]
Zero tolerance
The Stigmatization of the Criminal Convicts and Accused the Criminal Security-Oriented Approach [Volume 14, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 65-90]
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