Abetting in providing fraudulent scientific works
The Fraud Offense in Ordering the Scientific Works [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 59-80]
Accused’s Defense Rights; The Concept and Different Dimensions of the Accused’s Last Defense [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 99-122]
Actus reus
Determining the Concept and Position of the Natural and Probable Consequences of Acts-the Victim’s Death in the Penal Code of Iran with a Look to the Law of France [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 179-214]
Additional Jurisdiction
Challenges Facing the Additional Jurisdiction of the Criminal Court One [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 305-338]
Adultery with incest (Zinā
Critical Evaluation of the Documents of the Death Sentence in Adultery with the Spouse of the Father (Paragraph (b) of Article 224 of
the Islamic Penal Code of 1392 (2013) [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 229-248]
Ahmad Mahmoud
The Content Analysis of “The Neighbors” in the Area of the Juvenile Crime in the Light of the Criminological Findings [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 149-178]
Alternative to public prosecution
The Possibility of the Enforcement of Judicial Public Interest Agreement in Relation to Legal Entities in the Law of Iran with a look to the Law of France [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 29-58]
Calling for the repentance of the apostate
The Abolition (Nonsuit) of the Death Penalty of a Murtad Fitri in the Supposition of the Repentance and the Legality of Calling for the Repentance by the Judge [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 309-330]
The Analysis of the Multiple Crimes Committed by the Juveniles and Minors in Criminal Law of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 255-276]
Clinical criminology
The Content Analysis of “The Neighbors” in the Area of the Juvenile Crime in the Light of the Criminological Findings [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 149-178]
Combined Criminal Policy
Iran’s Combined Criminal Policy
Towards Environmental Delinquency [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 69-98]
Corona Virus
Criminal Liability for Transmission of
Corona Virus in the Iranian Penal System
(With Emphasis on the Risk to Life) [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 161-188]
Criminal Court One
Challenges Facing the Additional Jurisdiction of the Criminal Court One [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 305-338]
Criminal Policy
Analysis of the Legislator’s Criminal Policy
in (the Appended) Article 45 of the Addendum to the Anti-Narcotics (Narcoterrorism) Law [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 249-272]
Criminal fiqh
Doubt of the Islamic Legal Maxim of Dar’ (درأ) (Hudud Avoidance in the Case of Doubt) in the Law of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 3-28]
Criminal hardening
Analysis of the Legislator’s Criminal Policy
in (the Appended) Article 45 of the Addendum to the Anti-Narcotics (Narcoterrorism) Law [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 249-272]
Criminal law
The Abolition (Nonsuit) of the Death Penalty of a Murtad Fitri in the Supposition of the Repentance and the Legality of Calling for the Repentance by the Judge [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 309-330]
Criminalization (criminalizing)
Pre-trial Criminalization of Terrorist Acts [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 123-160]
The Criminology Approach to Online Threats to Girls [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 215-234]
Cyberspace refinement
Virtual Space filtering In the light of human rights documents [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 35-68]
Death penalty
Punishment for Murder in the Unchaste Repeat Crimes with Emphasizing on Takmelat al-Minhaj (تکملة المنهاج) [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 235-254]
Direct Trial
Challenges Facing the Additional Jurisdiction of the Criminal Court One [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 305-338]
Disclosure of information
The Criminology Approach to Online Threats to Girls [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 215-234]
Analysis of the Legislator’s Criminal Policy
in (the Appended) Article 45 of the Addendum to the Anti-Narcotics (Narcoterrorism) Law [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 249-272]
International Ecological Criminalization [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 273-304]
Eminent domain (Expropriation)
Guarantees for Protection of the Right of Possession in Confiscation and Forfeiture of the Crime Instrument from the Criticism of the Expropriation Discourse to the Limitation on Eminent Domain [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 277-308]
Environmental Delinquency
Iran’s Combined Criminal Policy
Towards Environmental Delinquency [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 69-98]
Environmental harm
International Ecological Criminalization [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 273-304]
Critical Evaluation of the Documents of the Death Sentence in Adultery with the Spouse of the Father (Paragraph (b) of Article 224 of
the Islamic Penal Code of 1392 (2013) [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 229-248]
Analysis of the Legislator’s Criminal Policy
in (the Appended) Article 45 of the Addendum to the Anti-Narcotics (Narcoterrorism) Law [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 249-272]
Father’s spouse
Critical Evaluation of the Documents of the Death Sentence in Adultery with the Spouse of the Father (Paragraph (b) of Article 224 of
the Islamic Penal Code of 1392 (2013) [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 229-248]
Fraudulent scientific works
The Fraud Offense in Ordering the Scientific Works [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 59-80]
Freedom of expression and information
Virtual Space filtering In the light of human rights documents [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 35-68]
International Civil Liability for the Committed Crimes in Myanmar [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 117-148]
The Criminology Approach to Online Threats to Girls [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 215-234]
The Critical Approach to the Deprivation of Liberty of the Convicted to Qiṣāṣ in the Process of the Requesting for the Authorization [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 81-116]
The Critical Approach to the Deprivation of Liberty of the Convicted to Qiṣāṣ in the Process of the Requesting for the Authorization [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 81-116]
Independent Crime
International Ecological Criminalization [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 273-304]
Intent to kill
Determining the Concept and Position of the Natural and Probable Consequences of Acts-the Victim’s Death in the Penal Code of Iran with a Look to the Law of France [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 179-214]
Intentional crime
Criminal Liability for Transmission of
Corona Virus in the Iranian Penal System
(With Emphasis on the Risk to Life) [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 161-188]
International Criminal Law
International Ecological Criminalization [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 273-304]
International crime
International Ecological Criminalization [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 273-304]
Judicial doubt
Doubt of the Islamic Legal Maxim of Dar’ (درأ) (Hudud Avoidance in the Case of Doubt) in the Law of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 3-28]
Judicial procedure
The Components of the Security Council Resolution Depend on the Interpretation of the Provisions of the Statute in the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Court; From Its Function to Its Achievements in the Situation of Sudan [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 189-208]
Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court
The Components of the Security Council Resolution Depend on the Interpretation of the Provisions of the Statute in the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Court; From Its Function to Its Achievements in the Situation of Sudan [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 189-208]
The Analysis of the Multiple Crimes Committed by the Juveniles and Minors in Criminal Law of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 255-276]
Last defense
Accused’s Defense Rights; The Concept and Different Dimensions of the Accused’s Last Defense [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 99-122]
Legal persons
The Possibility of the Enforcement of Judicial Public Interest Agreement in Relation to Legal Entities in the Law of Iran with a look to the Law of France [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 29-58]
Analysis of the Legislator’s Criminal Policy
in (the Appended) Article 45 of the Addendum to the Anti-Narcotics (Narcoterrorism) Law [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 249-272]
Mens rea
Determining the Concept and Position of the Natural and Probable Consequences of Acts-the Victim’s Death in the Penal Code of Iran with a Look to the Law of France [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 179-214]
Multiple crimes
The Analysis of the Multiple Crimes Committed by the Juveniles and Minors in Criminal Law of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 255-276]
Rethinking (Reassessment) the Condition of Equality of Religion in Retaliation
in the Light of Jurisprudential Opinions [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 209-228]
The Critical Approach to the Deprivation of Liberty of the Convicted to Qiṣāṣ in the Process of the Requesting for the Authorization [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 81-116]
Murtad fitri
The Abolition (Nonsuit) of the Death Penalty of a Murtad Fitri in the Supposition of the Repentance and the Legality of Calling for the Repentance by the Judge [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 309-330]
Rethinking (Reassessment) the Condition of Equality of Religion in Retaliation
in the Light of Jurisprudential Opinions [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 209-228]
Virtual Space filtering In the light of human rights documents [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 35-68]
Non-member government of the International Criminal Court
The Components of the Security Council Resolution Depend on the Interpretation of the Provisions of the Statute in the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Court; From Its Function to Its Achievements in the Situation of Sudan [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 189-208]
Obligation (duty)
Accused’s Defense Rights; The Concept and Different Dimensions of the Accused’s Last Defense [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 99-122]
Online Threat to
The Criminology Approach to Online Threats to Girls [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 215-234]
Paragraph (b) of Article 224
Critical Evaluation of the Documents of the Death Sentence in Adultery with the Spouse of the Father (Paragraph (b) of Article 224 of
the Islamic Penal Code of 1392 (2013) [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 229-248]
Personal knowledge of the judge
Challenges of Proving a Rape (Sexual Assault) Case in the Iranian Criminal Process (Procedure) [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 3-34]
The Fraud Offense in Ordering the Scientific Works [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 59-80]
Policy making
Iran’s Combined Criminal Policy
Towards Environmental Delinquency [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 69-98]
Guarantees for Protection of the Right of Possession in Confiscation and Forfeiture of the Crime Instrument from the Criticism of the Expropriation Discourse to the Limitation on Eminent Domain [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 277-308]
Pre-crime (precrime)
Pre-trial Criminalization of Terrorist Acts [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 123-160]
Preparing fraudulent scientific works
The Fraud Offense in Ordering the Scientific Works [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 59-80]
Virtual Space filtering In the light of human rights documents [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 35-68]
Challenges Facing the Additional Jurisdiction of the Criminal Court One [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 305-338]
Proof in criminal cases
Doubt of the Islamic Legal Maxim of Dar’ (درأ) (Hudud Avoidance in the Case of Doubt) in the Law of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 3-28]
Quasi-intentional crime
Criminal Liability for Transmission of
Corona Virus in the Iranian Penal System
(With Emphasis on the Risk to Life) [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 161-188]
Rape (Sexual assault)
Challenges of Proving a Rape (Sexual Assault) Case in the Iranian Criminal Process (Procedure) [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 3-34]
Reasonable possibility of doubt
Doubt of the Islamic Legal Maxim of Dar’ (درأ) (Hudud Avoidance in the Case of Doubt) in the Law of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 3-28]
Relative Jurisdiction
Challenges Facing the Additional Jurisdiction of the Criminal Court One [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 305-338]
Repeat crimes
Punishment for Murder in the Unchaste Repeat Crimes with Emphasizing on Takmelat al-Minhaj (تکملة المنهاج) [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 235-254]
The Abolition (Nonsuit) of the Death Penalty of a Murtad Fitri in the Supposition of the Repentance and the Legality of Calling for the Repentance by the Judge [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 309-330]
Iran’s Combined Criminal Policy
Towards Environmental Delinquency [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 69-98]
Rethinking (Reassessment) the Condition of Equality of Religion in Retaliation
in the Light of Jurisprudential Opinions [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 209-228]
Accused’s Defense Rights; The Concept and Different Dimensions of the Accused’s Last Defense [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 99-122]
Pre-trial Criminalization of Terrorist Acts [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 123-160]
Security Council resolution
The Components of the Security Council Resolution Depend on the Interpretation of the Provisions of the Statute in the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Court; From Its Function to Its Achievements in the Situation of Sudan [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 189-208]
Security measures
The Analysis of the Multiple Crimes Committed by the Juveniles and Minors in Criminal Law of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 255-276]
Supplying fraudulent scientific works
The Fraud Offense in Ordering the Scientific Works [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 59-80]
Termination of international immunity
The Components of the Security Council Resolution Depend on the Interpretation of the Provisions of the Statute in the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Court; From Its Function to Its Achievements in the Situation of Sudan [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 189-208]
Pre-trial Criminalization of Terrorist Acts [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 123-160]
The International Court of Justice (ICJ)
International Civil Liability for the Committed Crimes in Myanmar [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 117-148]
The International Criminal Court (ICC)
International Civil Liability for the Committed Crimes in Myanmar [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 117-148]
The Neighbors
The Content Analysis of “The Neighbors” in the Area of the Juvenile Crime in the Light of the Criminological Findings [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 149-178]
The authorization
The Critical Approach to the Deprivation of Liberty of the Convicted to Qiṣāṣ in the Process of the Requesting for the Authorization [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 81-116]
The execution of Qiṣāṣ
The Critical Approach to the Deprivation of Liberty of the Convicted to Qiṣāṣ in the Process of the Requesting for the Authorization [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 81-116]
The grand ayatollah Khuei
Punishment for Murder in the Unchaste Repeat Crimes with Emphasizing on Takmelat al-Minhaj (تکملة المنهاج) [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 235-254]
The instrument of crime
Guarantees for Protection of the Right of Possession in Confiscation and Forfeiture of the Crime Instrument from the Criticism of the Expropriation Discourse to the Limitation on Eminent Domain [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 277-308]
The juvenile crime
The Content Analysis of “The Neighbors” in the Area of the Juvenile Crime in the Light of the Criminological Findings [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 149-178]
The law of France
The Possibility of the Enforcement of Judicial Public Interest Agreement in Relation to Legal Entities in the Law of Iran with a look to the Law of France [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 29-58]
The law of Iran
The Possibility of the Enforcement of Judicial Public Interest Agreement in Relation to Legal Entities in the Law of Iran with a look to the Law of France [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 29-58]
The natural and probable consequences of behavior-victim’s death (The behavior likely leading to victim’s death)
Determining the Concept and Position of the Natural and Probable Consequences of Acts-the Victim’s Death in the Penal Code of Iran with a Look to the Law of France [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 179-214]
The prevention of crime
The Criminology Approach to Online Threats to Girls [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 215-234]
The principle of dar’
Doubt of the Islamic Legal Maxim of Dar’ (درأ) (Hudud Avoidance in the Case of Doubt) in the Law of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 3-28]
The supreme leader
The Critical Approach to the Deprivation of Liberty of the Convicted to Qiṣāṣ in the Process of the Requesting for the Authorization [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 81-116]
Theoretical Criminology
The Content Analysis of “The Neighbors” in the Area of the Juvenile Crime in the Light of the Criminological Findings [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 149-178]
Criminal Liability for Transmission of
Corona Virus in the Iranian Penal System
(With Emphasis on the Risk to Life) [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 161-188]
Tributary (dhimmi) infidel
Rethinking (Reassessment) the Condition of Equality of Religion in Retaliation
in the Light of Jurisprudential Opinions [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 209-228]
UN Human Right Council
International Civil Liability for the Committed Crimes in Myanmar [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 117-148]
Punishment for Murder in the Unchaste Repeat Crimes with Emphasizing on Takmelat al-Minhaj (تکملة المنهاج) [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 235-254]
Unintentional (accidental) crime
Criminal Liability for Transmission of
Corona Virus in the Iranian Penal System
(With Emphasis on the Risk to Life) [Volume 17, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 161-188]
Universal Jurisdiction
International Civil Liability for the Committed Crimes in Myanmar [Volume 17, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 117-148]
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