The Pathology of Teaching and Research of Criminology in Iran


1 Professor at the faculty of law of Shahid Beheshti University

2 Assistant professor at the faculty of law of Allameh University


The history of criminology as a specialized discipline, the subject of which consists of scientific observation and study of the causes of criminal activity goes back as far one hundred years. Criminology and its related disciplines such as criminal sociology, criminal psychology and juvenile delinquency have been part of teaching curriculum of the law schools and police academy and have also been taught under the heading of sociology of deviance or social pathology within the social sciences departments of various universities over the past fifty years in Iran. However, in spite of such long history of existence the applied aspects of criminology due to the problems in relation to its manner of teaching and research has not been developed as well as expected.
     This article which consists of two parts on the one hand, explores the teaching related problems and on the other, the research related problems of criminology as the causes of its lack of development in Iran. Ultimately, in addition to putting forward ways of curbing the said problems, the expansion of criminology and its related disciplines has been stressed upon.
