Criminalization in the Realm of Cryptocurrencies

Document Type : Original Article


1 A PhD student in Criminal Law & Criminology

2 Associate professor at Shahid Beheshti University


The prominent characteristic of the third millennium and the age of information and communication of technology (ICT) can be looked speed and diversity in advances and innovations. It is a matter that the cognition of the technological phenomena and activism to make them legal is consistently lagging some steps behind the evolutions. One of the most important examples of such phenomena is cryptocurrencies. After more than one decade after issuance and introduction of cryptocurrencies, they include more strategical vacuums in respect to the regulation and adjustment. Undoubtedly in the formation of such sphere the unfamiliarity of the features, applications and the emerging of this technology background of this technology means blockchain have had a prominent role. With applying an active and dynamic approach some states have tried to adopt policy in this field; an approach which is a sign of a dynamic activism in dealing with cryptocurrencies. In this regard one of the most important and controversial aspect of these interventions in the field of cryptocurrencies is the criminal intervention via criminalization around some dangers of this technology, a problem needs to be justified because of the limitation of freedom through it, the necessities of criminalization in the field of cryptocurrencies should be cognized. According to this, the following research with analytic-descriptive method examines the necessities of criminalization and forms of offences in the area of cryptocurrencies.



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