Reviewing the Basis and Nature of the Appeal Proceedings in the French and Iranian Criminal Legal System

Document Type : Original Article


1 [1] PhD student of criminal lawl and criminology, Department of penal law and criminology, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad university, Mashhad, Iran

2 Assistant professor, Department of penal law and criminology, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad university, Mashhad, Iran, (corresponding):

3 Assistant professor, Department of penal law and criminology, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad university, Mashhad, Iran


With observing appeal the Iranian Code of Criminal Procedure 1392 has not presented a specific definition for the appeal proceedings. Therefore; the present note with applying descriptive-analytic method and the comparative paradigms the basis and nature of the appeal proceedings in the Iranian legal system with a look at the legal criteria of France has been investigated. The findings prove that the consideration of the appeal proceedings in the penal code of Iran has been shaped based on accepting the right to appeal for both parties of the file and the enforcement of the supervisory liability of the Supreme Court of Iran based on Article 161 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran (The Supreme Court is to be formed for the purpose of supervising the correct implementation of the laws by the courts, …). from the side of the nature with seeing the teachings of the French law and with considering the points of appeal this finding emerges that the appeal proceedings is not merely formal proceedings because the Supreme Court in its procedure has paid attention to the non-conformity with the substantive rules and because of it, this kind of procedures being legitimate which is different from subject-matter jurisdiction is prior. Despite customarily in France appeal is the third instance (stage) of proceedings, meanwhile it is necessary to be paid attention to the difference between the concept of the degrees of litigations and the stage of litigation, in the penal code of Iran appeal is an ordinary method to protest and is the second instance of proceedings.



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