Global warming, climate change and its consequences concerning man and the environment are called climate crises. People’s behavior change is a consequence of the climate crisis. Despite this, negligence of climate crisis as the most important crisis in the modern century causes this component traditionally in the examination of the evolution of crime has been neglected. There is much evidence that according to them each of the elements of climate change such as precipitation, temperature, humidity and fog results in the evolution of crime rates and the type of crime. To answer this question what the effect of climate change and the crisis resulting from it on the crime evolution is the authors have utilized four components. Therefore, for recognizing and proving the mentioned relationship, the components “geography-centred, activity-centred, structure-centred, and social organization-centred” were selected as an indicative approach to criminology. The reason for selecting these approaches was the more correlation between them and the climate crisis and the emphasis of the previous researches on these approaches in the light of the meta-synthesis. In this manner, according to the paper findings the climate crisis has led to the climate victimization of citizens and these victims become future convicts. Consequently, confronting the climate crisis can make crimes drop or decline along with innumerable privileges for the environment and man’s health. Therefore, the climate policy and criminalization of anti-climate activities of the state-companies which emit carbon dioxide and the growth in global greenhouse gas emissions are vital.
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Razavifard, B. , and Safaei Atashgah, H. . "Criminological Study of the Crime Evolutions in the Light of Climate Crisis", Criminal Law Doctrines, 18, 22, 2022, 59-86. doi: 10.30513/cld.2022.4151.1664
Razavifard, B., Safaei Atashgah, H. (2022). 'Criminological Study of the Crime Evolutions in the Light of Climate Crisis', Criminal Law Doctrines, 18(22), pp. 59-86. doi: 10.30513/cld.2022.4151.1664
B. Razavifard and H. Safaei Atashgah, "Criminological Study of the Crime Evolutions in the Light of Climate Crisis," Criminal Law Doctrines, 18 22 (2022): 59-86, doi: 10.30513/cld.2022.4151.1664
Razavifard, B., Safaei Atashgah, H. Criminological Study of the Crime Evolutions in the Light of Climate Crisis. Criminal Law Doctrines, 2022; 18(22): 59-86. doi: 10.30513/cld.2022.4151.1664