In many cases victimization is not rooted in real and objective experiences, Rather, it exists only in
In many cases victimization is not rooted in real and objective experiences, Rather, it exists only in the mind of a large part of the public and has not been truly experienced. This emotional measure and mental image caused to the spread of the effects of social events And “sympathy” with the real victims This is referred to as the “mass reproduction process”. Under such circumstances, individuals in the community understand and process crime-related issues And each has an image of the environment and society in mind. Interactive criminology as a branch of postmodern criminology meanwhile illustrious the role of interactions and communication processes believes that actors act on their mental images as account capital. Images that are received and interpreted during their communication processes And they are made as “masses”. This article seeks to investigate this issue and its factors and effects by focusing on this theoretical approach and using the descriptive-analytical method. results show; Official police and judicial discourses and the media, the quality of interactions, the degree of vulnerability of people and the seriousness of criminal events have an effect on creating moral panic and reproducing myths such as “mental victimization” and the consequence of this is the spatial formation It is from mistrust, social isolation and moral disorder. It is necessary to strengthen this important statement that existing perceptions of reality are “made by the mind” and can be easily deconstructed through the strength of social ties and the use of formal and informal means of social control.
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Noori, F. . "Constructing Mental Victimization: Its Factors and Effects from the Perspective of Interactional Criminology", Criminal Law Doctrines, 19, 24, 2023, 347-381. doi: 10.30513/cld.2023.4705.1756
Noori, F. (2023). 'Constructing Mental Victimization: Its Factors and Effects from the Perspective of Interactional Criminology', Criminal Law Doctrines, 19(24), pp. 347-381. doi: 10.30513/cld.2023.4705.1756
F. Noori, "Constructing Mental Victimization: Its Factors and Effects from the Perspective of Interactional Criminology," Criminal Law Doctrines, 19 24 (2023): 347-381, doi: 10.30513/cld.2023.4705.1756
Noori, F. Constructing Mental Victimization: Its Factors and Effects from the Perspective of Interactional Criminology. Criminal Law Doctrines, 2023; 19(24): 347-381. doi: 10.30513/cld.2023.4705.1756