Foundations of International Criminalization of Ecocide

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Qom

2 associate professor at law faculty- the university of qom

3 Professor at University of Religions and Denominations

4 PhD student and lawyer


Ecocide refers to widespread damage or destruction of the ecosystems of a specific territory, and in a specific legal sense, it refers to the destruction of the environment in pursuit of military goals and extensive environmental damage during war. From the point of view of green criminology, the basic challenge of this field is the criminalization of the actions of individuals, companies, industries and governments that lead to the deepening of the problem. In order to overcome environmental challenges and prevent committing crimes with the scope and intensity of ecocide, the approach needs to be changed from superficiality to depth. On the other hand, ecocide is a product of understanding the deep and intertwined relationship between human rights and environmental protection. Because the emergency situation of climate change and biodiversity is a threat to global human rights. And victimology also seeks to explain and enlighten the environment, as a potential party to the right. This descriptive and analytical research, using the tools of library studies, explains the foundations of philosophy, human rights, victimology and criminology, and in it, despite the challenges in the Rome Statute as the fifth crime, to investigate its criminalization.
