The commutation of violent corporal punishment is a process that in most countries has taken place or is taking place. Afghanistan is not an exception to this rule and there have been many changes regarding corporal punishments during the last half century. These evolutions are influenced by many factors of which cultural-social changes are considered as one of the most important factors of them. The current research was conducted with the aim of investigating the evolution of corporal punishments in Afghanistan and tried to provide an answer to the question of how this process can be analyzed from the perspective of cultural sociology. The factors, contexts and the impact of cultural changes on the changes in corporal punishment have been investigated using analytical-descriptive research method in this research. Historical reports of corporal punishments are first described for this purpose and then how the process of transformation and transition from corporal punishment to disciplinary punishment is examined. The results indicate that one of the important reasons for the changes in the corporal punishment reactions in the society of Afghanistan is the passage from a monocultural structure based on traditional tribal-religious norms to cultural polymorphism. The apparent and material symbol of this cultural transformation is the practical elimination of whipping (flogging) and the commutation of the punishment of taʿzīr (Arabic: تعزیر, discretionary) of death penalty. In addition, the changes in the political structure have also played a positive role in providing the context for this cultural change.
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Fahimi Rasa, F. M. , Sadati, S. M. J. and Javan Jafari Bojnordi, A. (2024). Investigating the Evolution of Corporal Punishment Reactions in the Society of Afghanistan from the Perspective of Cultural Sociology. Criminal Law Doctrines, 20(25), 297-324. doi: 10.30513/cld.2024.5428.1888
Fahimi Rasa, F. M. , , Sadati, S. M. J. , and Javan Jafari Bojnordi, A. . "Investigating the Evolution of Corporal Punishment Reactions in the Society of Afghanistan from the Perspective of Cultural Sociology", Criminal Law Doctrines, 20, 25, 2024, 297-324. doi: 10.30513/cld.2024.5428.1888
Fahimi Rasa, F. M., Sadati, S. M. J., Javan Jafari Bojnordi, A. (2024). 'Investigating the Evolution of Corporal Punishment Reactions in the Society of Afghanistan from the Perspective of Cultural Sociology', Criminal Law Doctrines, 20(25), pp. 297-324. doi: 10.30513/cld.2024.5428.1888
F. M. Fahimi Rasa , S. M. J. Sadati and A. Javan Jafari Bojnordi, "Investigating the Evolution of Corporal Punishment Reactions in the Society of Afghanistan from the Perspective of Cultural Sociology," Criminal Law Doctrines, 20 25 (2024): 297-324, doi: 10.30513/cld.2024.5428.1888
Fahimi Rasa, F. M., Sadati, S. M. J., Javan Jafari Bojnordi, A. Investigating the Evolution of Corporal Punishment Reactions in the Society of Afghanistan from the Perspective of Cultural Sociology. Criminal Law Doctrines, 2024; 20(25): 297-324. doi: 10.30513/cld.2024.5428.1888