The economic, political and social evolutions during the 1980s caused the criminal policies with emphasizing on the criminal strategies and separation from the scientific approaches in crime control face excessiveness and additionally putting aside the welfare policies, they have separated from criminal justice also. For efficiency of social policies in enabling people to access social justice, it is necessary the relationship between these two concepts. Social justice does not occur without criminal justice and criminal justice without social justice is useless, inefficient and unfair. The most important reasons for distinguishing between social justice and criminal justice are neglecting the role of citizens for proposing social and criminal policies and granting the citizenship rights being bound to obey obedience laws, emphasizing on criminal policy for reduction and prevention of crime, separating the criminal policy organization from social and welfare ones, applying management skills and techniques in organization of criminal justice systems, emphasizing on the quantity of the system achievements instead of focusing on the enhancement of quality and also the absence of the common guiding principles or general principles to codify criminal and social policies toward a goal. Besides dignifying the criminal procedures, the relationship between social justice and criminal justice has a significant importance to prevent budget waste, human and material resources and time and causes the citizens access the equal opportunities. The other positive consequences of the relationship between these two concepts are the citizen interest to the community, increasing legal stability and occurring legality. Achieving these results cannot take place unless the practical principles to creating relationship between them are recognized. The principles are: recognizing all citizens and respecting their rights, redistribution of opportunities, resources and equipment in order to increase citizen participation in community, the balance of citizen responsibility and stability and holism (comprehensiveness) in policing.
Hozhabr alSadati, H. and Habibzadeh, M. J. (2014). Social Justice and Criminal Justice: Division or Connection. Criminal Law Doctrines, 11(8), 25-54.
Hozhabr alSadati, H. , and Habibzadeh, M. J. . "Social Justice and Criminal Justice: Division or Connection", Criminal Law Doctrines, 11, 8, 2014, 25-54.
Hozhabr alSadati, H., Habibzadeh, M. J. (2014). 'Social Justice and Criminal Justice: Division or Connection', Criminal Law Doctrines, 11(8), pp. 25-54.
H. Hozhabr alSadati and M. J. Habibzadeh, "Social Justice and Criminal Justice: Division or Connection," Criminal Law Doctrines, 11 8 (2014): 25-54,
Hozhabr alSadati, H., Habibzadeh, M. J. Social Justice and Criminal Justice: Division or Connection. Criminal Law Doctrines, 2014; 11(8): 25-54.