The self-destruction terrorist attacks as one of the methods which are used to show the political protests have been noticed seriously after wide spreading of these kinds of attacks in Iraq, Syria and some other countries around the world. As preventing a suicide terrorist- who embraces the death- is difficult base on the penal approaches, it would be important to consider the formation and the logic governs on these actions. This essay is based on this question that whether suicide behaviors could be explained based on criminological theories. It is not to be denied that the suicide attackers have their own logic and so, their behaviors could be explained and prevented by criminological theories based on the available logic. Suicide actions could be explained by the doer’s personal and internal factors as well as ideological factors and meantime several motivative factors through organizational, ideological and personal factors may help to result in criminal action. In the current essay these motivations will be explained precisely after a brief about the history of suicide terrorism.