The Prediction of Domestic Violence against Women and Adopted Strategies according to Its Basis

Volume 14, Issue 14, January 2018, Pages 3-38

Hussein Gholami; Mehri Barzegar

Legal-Criminological Approach to Intervention of Observers in Crime Prevention

Volume 16, Issue 18, January 2020, Pages 3-30

Seyedeh Saedeh Hosseini; Seyed Mahdi Seyed Zadeh Thani; Abdolreza Javan Jafari

The Knowledge and Caution (Awareness) in Mens Rea Element for Murder in the Law of Iran and USA

Volume 14, Issue 13, August 2017, Pages 3-32

Kayumarth Kalantari; Reza Rezaii; Javad Moslehi

The Hierarchical Retaliation (Qisas) in Crimes except Murder

Volume 12, Issue 9, August 2014, Pages 3-28

Adel Sarikhani; Murteza Mirzaii Moqadam

The Crime of Apostasy (Irtidād) in the Islamic Traditions (Ahadith)

Volume 11, Issue 8, January 2014, Pages 3-24

Sayyed Mustafa Muhaqqiq Damad; Sayyed Muhsen Musavifar

Differential Pre-Trial Detention of Ill People in Criminal Procedure Regulations of Iran (1378 & 1392

Volume 11, Issue 7, August 2014, Pages 3-26

Muhammad Ashuri; Muhammad Reza Rahmat

Criminal Transferring (Review on Article 516 of Iranian Penal Code)

Volume 7, Issue 13, July 2010, Pages 3-14

Dr. Tahmorth Bashireyeh

Observations about Instruments Named Payment Order

Volume 4, Issue 23, June 2007, Pages 3-12

Amir Hussein Fakhari

Form of conflict of interest

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 08 July 2023

Crime Prevention in Criminological Theories and the Scope of Its Restrictions

Volume 7, Issue 13, July 2010, Pages 15-38

Shahram Ebrahimi; Dr. E. Rajabi

Social Justice and Criminal Justice: Division or Connection

Volume 11, Issue 8, January 2014, Pages 25-54

Hanieh Hozhabr alSadati; Muhammad Jafar Habibzadeh

The Analysis of Pyramid Schemes from the Perspective of Private Criminal Law and Comparing it with Network Marketing

Volume 11, Issue 7, August 2014, Pages 27-52

H. Mir Muhammad Sadeqi; Muhammad Bagher Grayeli

Jurisprudential Analysis of Article 590 of the Islamic Penal Code in Determining the Amount of Eyelid Diya (Blood Money)

Volume 16, Issue 18, January 2020, Pages 31-50

Aref Hamdollahi; Mohsen Jahangiri; Abdolreza Asghari

The Proportion of Liability of Drivers to the Degree of the Their Faults

Volume 14, Issue 13, August 2017, Pages 33-56

Sayyed Ibrahim Ghodsi; Shahrouz Nowroozi