A small piece
The Equality of the Detachment of a Small Piece of a Bone with Its Fracture in Islamic Penal Code [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 305-328]
Population Growth through Criminal Interventions; A Look to the Approval Process and the Challenges of the Implementation of the Youthful Population and Protection of the Family Law [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 285-312]
Actus reus (the guilty act)
An Introduction to the Criminalization of the Financing of Terrorism, Nature and the Ways of the Commitment [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 247-274]
Annulment of the judicial decisions
Functions of Strategic Principles of the Criminal Procedure [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 125-154]
Armed forces
Keywords: The employment and recruitment of child soldiers, Armed forces, The active involvement of children, Non-international armed conflicts. [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 313-350]
Article1 91 of Islamic Penal Code
The Review of the Concept “Perception” the Subject Matter of Article 91 of the Islamic Penal Code; The Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Law and Cognitive Neuroscience [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 3-28]
Climate change
Criminological Study of the Crime Evolutions in the Light of Climate Crisis [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 59-86]
Climate strain
Criminological Study of the Crime Evolutions in the Light of Climate Crisis [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 59-86]
The Challenges of the Criminal Prosecution in the Light of the Conversions of the Legal Entities [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 255-284]
Crime rates
Criminological Study of the Crime Evolutions in the Light of Climate Crisis [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 59-86]
Criminal Liability
The Review of the Concept “Perception” the Subject Matter of Article 91 of the Islamic Penal Code; The Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Law and Cognitive Neuroscience [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 3-28]
Criminal Policy
The Criminal Policy in the Mortelle Book [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 105-140]
Criminal intent
An Introduction to the Criminalization of the Financing of Terrorism, Nature and the Ways of the Commitment [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 247-274]
Criminal process
Functions of Strategic Principles of the Criminal Procedure [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 125-154]
Criminal prosecution
The Challenges of the Criminal Prosecution in the Light of the Conversions of the Legal Entities [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 255-284]
Criminalization in the Realm of Cryptocurrencies [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 29-68]
An Introduction to the Criminalization of the Financing of Terrorism, Nature and the Ways of the Commitment [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 247-274]
The Nature of the Indigenization: An Introduction to the Concept of Indigenization of Criminology [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 329-364]
Criminology approach
Criminological Study of the Crime Evolutions in the Light of Climate Crisis [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 59-86]
Loss of Self-Control Defense; the Legal Evolution of Killing Deriving from the Extreme Provocation of Emotions [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 219-254]
Detachment (separation)
The Equality of the Detachment of a Small Piece of a Bone with Its Fracture in Islamic Penal Code [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 305-328]
Developmental crime prevention
Risk Factors and Protective Strategies for Children in the Children and Young Persons Safety Act 1399 [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 275-304]
Digital technological situational crime prevention
Crime Prevention Relating to Cheques 1397 Amendments on Cheque’s Issuance Regulation [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 69-104]
The Challenges of the Criminal Prosecution in the Light of the Conversions of the Legal Entities [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 255-284]
Early prevention
Risk Factors and Protective Strategies for Children in the Children and Young Persons Safety Act 1399 [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 275-304]
Fair trial
Functions of Strategic Principles of the Criminal Procedure [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 125-154]
Risk Factors and Protective Strategies for Children in the Children and Young Persons Safety Act 1399 [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 275-304]
Fiqh on purpose (purposeful fiqh)
The Jurisprudential Approach to the Liability for the Payment of Diyya in Killing Resulted from the Non-Capital Sentencing [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 185-218]
Forcible male homosexuality
Comparative Study of the Offense of Sexual Assault in the Legal System of Iran and International Criminal Law [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 3-34]
Forcible sexual intercourse without consent
Comparative Study of the Offense of Sexual Assault in the Legal System of Iran and International Criminal Law [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 3-34]
Formal proceedings
Reviewing the Basis and Nature of the Appeal Proceedings in the French and Iranian Criminal Legal System [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 141-170]
Fracture diyya (monetary compensation)
The Equality of the Detachment of a Small Piece of a Bone with Its Fracture in Islamic Penal Code [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 305-328]
Healing (recovery)
Diyya of Nasal Bone Fractures in Fiqh and the Islamic Penal Code (2013); A Contrast between the Approach of Making Equals (Tandheer) and Defined Measures (Taqdeer) [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 195-224]
Diyya of Nasal Bone Fractures in Fiqh and the Islamic Penal Code (2013); A Contrast between the Approach of Making Equals (Tandheer) and Defined Measures (Taqdeer) [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 195-224]
International Criminal Law
Comparative Study of the Offense of Sexual Assault in the Legal System of Iran and International Criminal Law [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 3-34]
Juvenile delinquency (juvenile offending)
The Review of the Concept “Perception” the Subject Matter of Article 91 of the Islamic Penal Code; The Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Law and Cognitive Neuroscience [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 3-28]
Keywords: Cheque
Crime Prevention Relating to Cheques 1397 Amendments on Cheque’s Issuance Regulation [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 69-104]
Keywords: Children
Risk Factors and Protective Strategies for Children in the Children and Young Persons Safety Act 1399 [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 275-304]
Keywords: Climate crime
Criminological Study of the Crime Evolutions in the Light of Climate Crisis [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 59-86]
Keywords: Criminalization
Population Growth through Criminal Interventions; A Look to the Approval Process and the Challenges of the Implementation of the Youthful Population and Protection of the Family Law [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 285-312]
Keywords: Cryptocurrencies
Criminalization in the Realm of Cryptocurrencies [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 29-68]
Keywords: Economic corruption
The Problem of the Economic Corruption from the View of the Political-Security Concerns [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 35-58]
Keywords: Financing
An Introduction to the Criminalization of the Financing of Terrorism, Nature and the Ways of the Commitment [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 247-274]
Keywords: Imprisonment
Incarceration and Deviation from the Legal Principles and Rules in the Light of the Circular-Centered Criminal Policy in the Judiciary [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 87-124]
Keywords: Indigenization
The Nature of the Indigenization: An Introduction to the Concept of Indigenization of Criminology [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 329-364]
Keywords: Loss of self-control
Loss of Self-Control Defense; the Legal Evolution of Killing Deriving from the Extreme Provocation of Emotions [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 219-254]
Keywords: Myanmar status
Myanmar Status in the Light of the Objective Territorial Principle and Jurisdiction over Crimes of Nationals of Non-ICC Member States [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 225-246]
Keywords: Nasal defect
Diyya of Nasal Bone Fractures in Fiqh and the Islamic Penal Code (2013); A Contrast between the Approach of Making Equals (Tandheer) and Defined Measures (Taqdeer) [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 195-224]
Keywords: Neurolaw (neuroscience)
The Review of the Concept “Perception” the Subject Matter of Article 91 of the Islamic Penal Code; The Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Law and Cognitive Neuroscience [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 3-28]
Keywords: Neuroscientific measurement techniques
The Privileges and Challenges of the Application of Cognitive Neuroscientific Evidence in the Criminal Trials [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 351-378]
Keywords: Sexual assault
Comparative Study of the Offense of Sexual Assault in the Legal System of Iran and International Criminal Law [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 3-34]
Keywords: Strategic Principles
Functions of Strategic Principles of the Criminal Procedure [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 125-154]
Keywords: The Mortelle book
The Criminal Policy in the Mortelle Book [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 105-140]
Keywords: The appeal proceedings
Reviewing the Basis and Nature of the Appeal Proceedings in the French and Iranian Criminal Legal System [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 141-170]
Keywords: The diyya for a women being half that for men
Review the Validity of the Equality of Diyya for Women and Men in the Contemporary Period the Historical-Sociological Study [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 171-194]
Keywords: The employment and recruitment of child soldiers
Keywords: The employment and recruitment of child soldiers, Armed forces, The active involvement of children, Non-international armed conflicts. [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 313-350]
Keywords: The liability for the payment of diyya
The Jurisprudential Approach to the Liability for the Payment of Diyya in Killing Resulted from the Non-Capital Sentencing [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 185-218]
Keywords: The requirements of legislation
The Equality of the Detachment of a Small Piece of a Bone with Its Fracture in Islamic Penal Code [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 305-328]
Keywords: legal entity
The Challenges of the Criminal Prosecution in the Light of the Conversions of the Legal Entities [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 255-284]
Loss of Self-Control Defense; the Legal Evolution of Killing Deriving from the Extreme Provocation of Emotions [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 219-254]
The Problem of the Economic Corruption from the View of the Political-Security Concerns [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 35-58]
Mahqun al-dam (literally
The Jurisprudential Approach to the Liability for the Payment of Diyya in Killing Resulted from the Non-Capital Sentencing [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 185-218]
The Challenges of the Criminal Prosecution in the Light of the Conversions of the Legal Entities [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 255-284]
Mitigation in sentencing
Incarceration and Deviation from the Legal Principles and Rules in the Light of the Circular-Centered Criminal Policy in the Judiciary [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 87-124]
Nasal bone fracture
Diyya of Nasal Bone Fractures in Fiqh and the Islamic Penal Code (2013); A Contrast between the Approach of Making Equals (Tandheer) and Defined Measures (Taqdeer) [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 195-224]
The Privileges and Challenges of the Application of Cognitive Neuroscientific Evidence in the Criminal Trials [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 351-378]
The Privileges and Challenges of the Application of Cognitive Neuroscientific Evidence in the Criminal Trials [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 351-378]
Neuroscientific evidence
The Privileges and Challenges of the Application of Cognitive Neuroscientific Evidence in the Criminal Trials [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 351-378]
Non-healing (nonunion)
Diyya of Nasal Bone Fractures in Fiqh and the Islamic Penal Code (2013); A Contrast between the Approach of Making Equals (Tandheer) and Defined Measures (Taqdeer) [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 195-224]
Non-international armed conflicts
Keywords: The employment and recruitment of child soldiers, Armed forces, The active involvement of children, Non-international armed conflicts. [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 313-350]
The Criminal Policy in the Mortelle Book [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 105-140]
On member states of the Rome Statute
Myanmar Status in the Light of the Objective Territorial Principle and Jurisdiction over Crimes of Nationals of Non-ICC Member States [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 225-246]
The Review of the Concept “Perception” the Subject Matter of Article 91 of the Islamic Penal Code; The Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Law and Cognitive Neuroscience [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 3-28]
Political-security concerns
The Problem of the Economic Corruption from the View of the Political-Security Concerns [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 35-58]
Population growth
Population Growth through Criminal Interventions; A Look to the Approval Process and the Challenges of the Implementation of the Youthful Population and Protection of the Family Law [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 285-312]
Risk Factors and Protective Strategies for Children in the Children and Young Persons Safety Act 1399 [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 275-304]
Crime Prevention Relating to Cheques 1397 Amendments on Cheque’s Issuance Regulation [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 69-104]
The Problem of the Economic Corruption from the View of the Political-Security Concerns [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 35-58]
Loss of Self-Control Defense; the Legal Evolution of Killing Deriving from the Extreme Provocation of Emotions [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 219-254]
Public interest (benefit)
The Jurisprudential Approach to the Liability for the Payment of Diyya in Killing Resulted from the Non-Capital Sentencing [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 185-218]
The Criminal Policy in the Mortelle Book [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 105-140]
Accepting the Right to Victim Empowerment: Bases and Demonstrations [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 155-184]
Rights of the accused
Functions of Strategic Principles of the Criminal Procedure [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 125-154]
Rights of the victim
Functions of Strategic Principles of the Criminal Procedure [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 125-154]
Risky situation
Risk Factors and Protective Strategies for Children in the Children and Young Persons Safety Act 1399 [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 275-304]
Safety (protective) measures
Risk Factors and Protective Strategies for Children in the Children and Young Persons Safety Act 1399 [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 275-304]
Crime Prevention Relating to Cheques 1397 Amendments on Cheque’s Issuance Regulation [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 69-104]
Situational crime prevention
Crime Prevention Relating to Cheques 1397 Amendments on Cheque’s Issuance Regulation [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 69-104]
Social transformation
Review the Validity of the Equality of Diyya for Women and Men in the Contemporary Period the Historical-Sociological Study [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 171-194]
Reviewing the Basis and Nature of the Appeal Proceedings in the French and Iranian Criminal Legal System [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 141-170]
An Introduction to the Criminalization of the Financing of Terrorism, Nature and the Ways of the Commitment [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 247-274]
The International Criminal Court (ICC)
Myanmar Status in the Light of the Objective Territorial Principle and Jurisdiction over Crimes of Nationals of Non-ICC Member States [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 225-246]
The Supreme Court of Iran
Functions of Strategic Principles of the Criminal Procedure [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 125-154]
The Youthful Population and Protection of the Family Law
Population Growth through Criminal Interventions; A Look to the Approval Process and the Challenges of the Implementation of the Youthful Population and Protection of the Family Law [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 285-312]
The active involvement of children
Keywords: The employment and recruitment of child soldiers, Armed forces, The active involvement of children, Non-international armed conflicts. [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 313-350]
The components of the empowerment
Accepting the Right to Victim Empowerment: Bases and Demonstrations [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 155-184]
The demonstrations of the right to empowerment
Accepting the Right to Victim Empowerment: Bases and Demonstrations [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 155-184]
The drug and Psychedelic drugs
Incarceration and Deviation from the Legal Principles and Rules in the Light of the Circular-Centered Criminal Policy in the Judiciary [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 87-124]
The equivalence in ruling
The Equality of the Detachment of a Small Piece of a Bone with Its Fracture in Islamic Penal Code [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 305-328]
The equivalence in subject matter
The Equality of the Detachment of a Small Piece of a Bone with Its Fracture in Islamic Penal Code [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 305-328]
The grounded theory
The Problem of the Economic Corruption from the View of the Political-Security Concerns [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 35-58]
The historicity of halving diyya
Review the Validity of the Equality of Diyya for Women and Men in the Contemporary Period the Historical-Sociological Study [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 171-194]
The law of Iran
Comparative Study of the Offense of Sexual Assault in the Legal System of Iran and International Criminal Law [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 3-34]
The objective territoriality
Myanmar Status in the Light of the Objective Territorial Principle and Jurisdiction over Crimes of Nationals of Non-ICC Member States [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 225-246]
The obligation of precaution
The Jurisprudential Approach to the Liability for the Payment of Diyya in Killing Resulted from the Non-Capital Sentencing [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 185-218]
The philosophy of science
The Nature of the Indigenization: An Introduction to the Concept of Indigenization of Criminology [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 329-364]
The position of women in Arab community
Review the Validity of the Equality of Diyya for Women and Men in the Contemporary Period the Historical-Sociological Study [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 171-194]
The postcolonial studies and social context
The Nature of the Indigenization: An Introduction to the Concept of Indigenization of Criminology [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 329-364]
The principle of legality
Incarceration and Deviation from the Legal Principles and Rules in the Light of the Circular-Centered Criminal Policy in the Judiciary [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 87-124]
The right of appeal
Reviewing the Basis and Nature of the Appeal Proceedings in the French and Iranian Criminal Legal System [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 141-170]
The right to empowerment
Accepting the Right to Victim Empowerment: Bases and Demonstrations [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 155-184]
The risk factors
Risk Factors and Protective Strategies for Children in the Children and Young Persons Safety Act 1399 [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 275-304]
The sociology of knowledge
The Nature of the Indigenization: An Introduction to the Concept of Indigenization of Criminology [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 329-364]
The theoretical bases of the right to empowerment
Accepting the Right to Victim Empowerment: Bases and Demonstrations [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 155-184]
The third instance
Reviewing the Basis and Nature of the Appeal Proceedings in the French and Iranian Criminal Legal System [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 141-170]
The Criminal Policy in the Mortelle Book [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 105-140]
Criminalization in the Realm of Cryptocurrencies [Volume 18, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 29-68]
Loss of Self-Control Defense; the Legal Evolution of Killing Deriving from the Extreme Provocation of Emotions [Volume 18, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 219-254]
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